Weekly Activity Report As A Moderator Of Steem For Ladies Community. [ March 14 , 2025 ]

in Steem For Ladies13 days ago

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Hi my friends how are you?.
Hope you are all well. I'm fine too. So, first of all, I would like to remind you that it is really a pleasure to be a moderator of the Steem For Ladies community. And today I am here to share with you my moderate report as a moderator of this community. Every week I perform all the activities assigned to me as a moderator of this community and prepare the moderation report today, March 14 , 2025. I really enjoy working with this community team. We all work together and our camaraderie is great. Ok I'll prepare my weekly moderator report.

Our team of Steem For Ladies community.

@patjewellADMIN Steem Representative
@ ninapendaMOD Representative Nigeria
@ ruthjoeNigerian Representative
@ m-fdoRepresentative Sri Lanka
@ shiftitamannaMOD Bangladesh Representative
@ steemladiesMOD Community Account
@ aviral123MOD India Representative
@ vishwaraMOD Representative Sri Lanka

My Activities For this Week

• First I fact check every post in the community. That is, I check that they have verified Achievement 1 and check that their presentation is free of plagiarism. I use these tools to check if a post is plagiarism free.

Plagiarism Word - https://www.duplichecker.com/ https://smallseotools.com/plagiarism-checker/
Plagiarism for images - https://plagiarismdetector.net/image-search

• And I use several tools like this when checking club status in a post.

Club status & Voting CSI - Steemworld.org, https://steemtools.azurewebsites.net/

• It is a steemit rule that a post needs at least 300 words. So I use this tool to check the word count of a post.

• And I also direct other users to vote and those who have low CSL to increase their power.

• AI Content Detector: Zerogpt, Contentatscale/, Corrector.app

This review format is suggested by the community to review Normal posts.

Club Status#club5050/75/100
Steem Exclusive✅❌
Plagiarism Free✅❌
BOT Free✅❌
Voting CSI[ ? ] ( 3.57 % self, 28 upvotes, 26 accounts, last 7d )
AI contentHuman
Word count000
MOD's Observations/suggestions

Thank you for participating…..

March 14 , 2025 on Steem For Ladies I have reviewed 11 posts that I have checked and given the link below.

No.Post LinkUser IDClub Status
01Post Link@mehakbhatti#club5050
02Post Link@afrinn#no club
03Post Link@fariyazulfiqar#club5050
04Post Link@selina1#club5050
05Post Link@anjinoor#club5050
06Post Link@afshan12#club5050
07Post Link@leigth#club5050
08Post Link@zhanavic69#no club
09Post Link@miraidalugo36#club5050
10Post Link@purpleidy23#club5050
11Post Link@blezdo12#no club

I've run an awesome contest in the Steem For Ladies community for this week and the current contest is.

Like every week this competition is new under different topics and this is the money competition I have organized for this community. Many users are already participating in this competition and I will give them the prizes they deserve by participating in this competition and winning the competition.


Today I would like to say that I have presented all the daily activities related to this week in the steem ladies community. Finally I want to say thank you to my team. They have been very supportive in working with me. Presenting this report, I offer to prepare the weekly report like every week. I will do my best to contribute to this community and dedicate myself to the growth of the community. God bless you all who were with me.

png ladies.png

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Thanks for being with me.

 13 days ago 
 13 days ago 

Saludos y bendiciones para todas aquellas mujeres esforzadad y dedicadas de esta distinguida comunidad de mujeres, a quien les quiero felicitar por el extraordinario trabajo que han vendido realizado. Su dedicación y pasión han cultivado un espacio muy acogedor para las mujeres de todo el mundo. El arduo trabajo que invierten en la organización de múltiples concursos, cada uno diseñado con originalidad.
Les deseo de todo corazón ❤️ muchos éxitos y que está comunidad @steemladies siga creciendo cada vez más, estoy feliz de ser parte de ustedes, un abrazo fraternal.