Scientist whose 'Corona death rates models' resulted in global lock down, resigns...Feeling cheated yet?

in FreeSpeech Community4 years ago

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Because he was feeling horny.
Yes, that is correct.
Dr Doom broke all his own 'proffesional advice', to go slip one to another lefty authoritarian. (Mrs Antonia 'very nice' Staats).

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Professor Neil Ferguson – The lefty mouthpiece for the medical establishment and the person who created a worldwide panic solely created for the very dim to believe, broke his own advice on the need for strict social distancing.

He broke his own quarantine, and went to hook up with his married lover.(according to the Telegraph).

On at least two occasions, Antonia Staats, 38,(*24,34,) traveled across London from her home in the south of the capital to spend time with the Government scientist, nicknamed Professor Lockdown 'piece of shit'.

The 51-year-old had just finished a two-week spell of self-isolating after testing positive for coronavirus.

Prof Ferguson told the Telegraph: "I accept that I made an error of judgment and took the wrong course of action. I should have donned a false mustache beforehand."

He went on to say,
"Statistically speaking, there have been no confirmed cases of cross infections from anyone wearing a false mustache and so by me wearing one, I would have then been infection free.
Truth is in the statistics, and by donning a false rug on my top lip, my willy would have been safe to be inside Mrs Staats, 38(*24,34)

He went on, (as all good lefties do. Why use one word when you can use 23,231 of them?)
....."I have therefore stepped back from my involvement in Sage [the government's Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies].
This is mainly due to me being fired, but the politburo doesn't allow me to say that.... Oh... shit...
...I acted in the belief that I was immune from criticism, because I'm an expert and thought people would realize that these rules only apply to the peasants, and not my kind."

He added,
"If you knew anything about Karl Marx and his life, then you would understand that hypocrisy from the intelligent left, is to be expected. It's compulsory, actually.
'Actions speak louder than words' is not a saying that the left like very much as a reality.

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We feel that it only serves to oppress those like myself, those who have snake oil to sell.
And people such as Al Gore have gallons of this shit and they need all the help they can get.
I deeply regret being caught out undermining the clear propaganda message around the 'continued need for social distancing', and have not helped in contributing to this devastating psychological operation.
The Government guidance is unequivocal.
It is there to protect all of us who believe in authoritarianism, and who are genuinely shitting themselves that the intelligent peasants who like the truth, will start to gain power."

Ferguson resigned from his Government advisory position on Tuesday.

'ginger' Ferguson predicted that up to 500,000 Britons and 2.2 million in the US would die without measures.

His computer models were flat-wrong.

Ferguson - who leads the propaganda team at Imperial College London, has frequently appeared on media to support the lockdown and "very intensive social distancing" measures.

Ferguson and Staats, 38,(*24, 34), hooked up on March 30.
This was on the very same day that he gave a public warning that the one-week-old lockdown measures, would need to remain in place until June.

Staats 38 (*24, 34), is also a left-wing hypocrite.
She visited - for a second time - to get humped once more by 'ginger' Ferguson, on April 8.

She has refused any psychological counselling to help her deal with her choices.
('ginger screwing' is a very real problem. Not only is it a sign of severe mental instability and self loathing, it also runs the risk of passing the gene's down to the next generation)

She was reported to have said "Thank fuck it's all a load of bollocks".
(Unlike 'ginger'Ferguson. It seems that he did in fact, have a load full, in his bollocks).

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She and her husband live together with their two children in a £1.9 million house, situated in a socialist enclave, and walled off from the peasants.
They have an open relationship, of which 'ginger' is part of

The reporter said that she never gave him her number, to follow up on this rumor,despite his repeated requests.
He really wanted to confirm whether or not this rumor was true. In person, and preferably naked.

She's told her friends about her relationship with Prof 'ginger' Ferguson, but does not believe their actions to be hypocritical, because she considers her own households to be one. (There are four individuals in the house, not one).
She doe not consider reality to be a valid argument.

She said,
"If any intelligent person understood the reality of postmodernist theory, then they would understand.
But most people are like, really stupid, and so do not understand.
Most people don't even have a degree - that's how stupid they are.
Which is why we need experts, like my lover 'ginger'."

Ian Duncan smith, the bald headed sociopath of the conservative party, (who is not jealous of Ferguson carrot top) said,
"He has breached his own guidelines, and for an intelligent man I find that very hard to believe.
The first rule of selling total bullshit and the acting rationally when away from the media spotlight , is to never get caught."
He risks undermining the Government's totalitarian message altogether."

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Over 9,000 fines tax demands have been issued to quarantine violators people with a brain, in England and Wales during the lockdown.

**Scotland's chief medical officer, Dr. Catherine Notgetting-anywood, made two trips to her second home during the lockdown, resulting in her resignation.

Communist leaders are in uproar across the country.

"This exposure of hypocrisy by the left cannot continue, even the fucking sheep are starting to wake up and put one and one together and now they're coming up with the answer ' 2'. This will never do.
Common Core education is being ripped asunder with accurate math like this.
If we don't shut down the internet soon, there'll be a real danger of having educated peasants, and no one wants that.
I'm sure that's something we can all agree on."

** It has been noted that educated and intelligent peasants, who were clever enough to see the the crushing student loan program ( debt slavery for life) for what it was - and thus bypass it - are a real danger to the elites parasites.

As one elite parasite said to us confidentially,
"Those clever peasants are slippery buggers. Just when you think you've brainwashed the stupid ones (referring to the last 30 years of the higher education scam), a clever one pops up, trying to undermine all the bullshit that you've been spouting.
Stalin had the right idea with the gulags, but he just ran out of time, the poor bugger."


An artists impression of Mrs Staats.
(An artist who is abiding to the lockdown,
and who now leaves tram lines in the ground,
when he walks)



This whole lock down is an absolute farce. Here in South Africa we have restrictions on buying alcohol and cigarettes. We are allowed to buy winter clothes but not underpants or bra's. What is the logic in this? I am so frustrated I can kill someone...'s total insanity

Well done! Great post here pal. Love the writing style.

My favorite line is this one:

" ...tell Vegans how laughing won't fuck up your chakras, or something." LOL!

Cheers! I'm glad oyu enjoyed it.
Gotta take serious shit with a funny slant on things. Gotta keep smiling..

I'm shocked!
Shocked, i say, to find people sneaking out to do things that need to be kept hush hush.

That this guy got fired resigned was just to save the higher ups face.