in Healthy Steem25 days ago



Hello steemians, I welcome you all to my post, feel free and relax as I talk about the contest titled " EYE CARE" which was organised by @khursheedanwar, may God almighty reward your efforts immensely. Thank you everyone, I wish us all good luck.

The eye is one of the special sense organ use for sight or vision. it is a delicate organ that require serious attention and adequate care to keep it safe and functional.
Eye care routine refers to those activities or measures that one take often to ensure safety and optimal function of the eye.
Below are some of my eye care routine which have helped me in no small measure to stay healthy:



✓I do a semiannual medical checkup of my eye from a professional opthalmologist.

✓ I take adequate diet rich in Vitamin A, C, E, Omega-3 fatty acid(Fish), I also eat zinc and lutein rich food such as green leafy vegetables, carrot and nuts. which are essential for healthy eyes.

✓I prevent infection into eyes by washing my hands thoroughly with soap and running tap water before removing makeup or making any contact with my eyes

✓I protect my eyes from ultra violet rays of the sun by putting on sunglasses

✓ I ensure relaxation of the muscles of my eye by having adequate and enough sleep

✓I avoid fixing my eye directly on a screen for long. I take a pause every 10min and look elsewhere and also blink often to avoid tearing of the eyes and damage to the cells.

✓I drink enough water to prevent dry eyes

✓I Make sure my contacts prescription is up to
date and good for looking at a computer screen.

✓I do exercise daily and massage the muscles of the eye. Exercises such as Brock string(This exercise helps improve eye coordination and binocular vision), Palming(This exercise helps to reduce eye fatigue by relaxing the muscles around my eyes. I rub my hands together to warm them up, then I gently cup my palms over my closed eyes for about 30 seconds), barrel cards(This exercise helps with exotropia. which is a condition in which the eyes are deviated outward).

✓I avoid smoking and smoky environment in other to protect my eyes.

✓ I use an eye serum or eye cream to treat dark circles.

Thank you so everyone for stopping by and reading through my post, I love and celebrate you all greatly 🙏

My Invite:
