Health matters; (Air pollution can be influential)
I'm blessed to participate in this week contest as arranged by @sahmie on AIR POLLUTION can be influential.
Air pollution can be biological release of an adverse effects on any living organism, be it human, plants and animals. Most plants experience witting — a yellowish payback as a result of been contaminated by toxicants like hydrocarbons.
Whenever this foreign material is projected on the suspending climate, it begins to dealt with the primary tissues, organs and system of every respired organisms. Excretion of certain materials from the anus can damage a specific cell structure by replacing the programs with introns.
So therefore, biologically, Air pollution can be deadly and may not be deadly depending on how it is received. If Nitrogen dioxide (N2O) is released by a pollutant to the air—the suspending of it and the transmission of it through the human breathing system can cause a lot of ample effects like:
- Cancer
- Respiratory problems
This become reality when the cell structure is no longer normalize instead affected by the abnormalities, resulting to the development of a Tumor micro environment (TME). Think about that?
Now, let's proceed further:
Image from the contest
In other words, my little cheaping here will help define the main sources of air pollution.
- Human waste
- Refining channels of crude oil, hydrocarbons and other organic fuels
- Burning of waste products
The human waste I'm talking about is simply the excretion of certain products such as urine, shits. This waste can be so corrosive and toxic when compelled into an unlimited human body—causing mucous reaction mutations, and reshaping the strength of the ribosomes not to synthesize protein.
This refined channels can become a vaporizer to any medium, gathering gas particles and then converting them to pollutants. This can harmful to health when assimilated.
Burning of waste products tends to be the most expensive way to spread contaminants on air.
For children:
- Through inhaling. This is the most cheapest and expensive way this pollution can fitly be compiled into their body. Whether it's airborne or landborne or waterborne, once they begin to inhale the smell of it, it begin to alter effects immediately.
For adults.
Most adults have outgrown their breathing space, to a level where this smells is further captured as a normal life encounter. And so, it doesn't play any harm on them. Meanwhile some develop a blocking strategy where those airs cannot easily penetrate. They use handkerchief or whatever available at the moment as their blocking strategy.
But the only proportion by which this can be effective among the adults is:
- Failure to medical checkup.
This smells are captured in the form of bonds. From a little piece to broad spectrum. As they absorbed or assimilate, the more the growth expands and become an adverse effects, and if medical checkup is not considered prior; it may result to breakdown of certain tissues and respiratory problems.
Respiratory problems. Unable to breathe well.
Cancer. Abnormal growth in the normal body cells.
Mucous alteration.
We can introduce a mechanical approach where waste materials can be catalyzed, instead of open burning. We can also recycle this waste materials and use them for different purposes like:
Biofuel production.
Utilisation of pollutioning materials for house constructing purposes.
Conversion of the waste into Domestic gas production.
All this will automatically stop the exposion of this toxic chemicals or gas to air.
In summary, air pollution can be neutralize if a channel is created. Instead of passing the smokes or fumes through the air, it can be channeled to an underground tank where it can later be cooled and stored as an sediment (rock).
The only difference is the civility. In the urban, air pollution is controlled either mechanically or digitally. A system is strategically built to convey waste materials to a non-human résidence specific site. This waste materials remain in the site for months, reducing it saturating speed of influence, before it's totally burnt down. At this point, the smell has quenched and so anyone around can majestically survive the environment.
But in the rural, exposion to this airs are conveyed. People of different specimen collection expresses various characters such as:
- Stooling in the bush and surroundings
- Burning of bush, and many more.
This is what makes the air in such environment easily polluted and it begins to address families. Secondly, there's no system of advice introduce to the rural people. Most of them, don't even understand the principle of washing hands after using the toilets. They use that same hand to eat and therefore injects themselves with some poisonous air and then it begin to trigger unfavorable conditions.
I invite @eglis, @benton3 and @basil20 to participate in this contest.
Greetings dear, your exploration of air pollution is both insightful and comprehensive and i appreciate how you have highlighted the biological, environmental, and health impacts of air pollution, along with practical solutions like waste recycling and biofuel of luck in the contest.
Thankyou @entity01 I sincerely appreciate your concern and your desired review