"Wk 15 : The Diary Game and Your Health | Understanding the process of breast carcinoma."

in Healthy Steem9 months ago (edited)

I had very little participated in the Game of my Diary, but I received an invitation from my friend @charter and I saw that they have updated it by topic and this week it is the topic of health. Something I'm very involved in lately.


In 2022 I noticed a small lump in my left breast which led me to look for a doctor to see me and tell me what it was. I had no knowledge of what specialty that could be, where to go? I asked a friend and she recommended an Oncologist at a public health center in the city. When I told one of my sisters she was amazed. He told me: Why do an Oncologist see Cancer diseases? Even so, I went to the consultation.

When my son, who was in Colombia, found out, he told me to go there. That there I would obtain a Permanent Residence, an EPS (medical insurance) and that with that I could see myself from that lump that had appeared on me. The truth is that although they gave me the Permanence Permit and I obtained an EPS, I was never able to see myself in a hospital. since I was never able to get a medical appointment to open the story, much less see a doctor.

The diagnosis.


Tired of waiting for an appointment and having spent almost a year in Colombia, I decided to come to Venezuela because the little girl was growing. It didn't hurt at all, it only bothered me if I wanted to sleep on my stomach.

I immediately contacted my neighbor who was still helping his mother with Breast Carcinoma. He tells me go see Dr. Mastologist Jonathan, he is the one who operated on my mother and she turned out very well. Excuse my ignorance, but it was the first time that I heard about this specialty and I did not know that the mastologist is the one who deals with matters related to the breasts, of women and men.

I also didn't know that men can suffer from a type of breast disease like we do. When he saw the Mammogram he immediately told me: You require Radiotherapy to reduce the size of the tumor, surgery and Chemotherapy. I was shocked since we have the concept of Cancer as a synonym for death.

After performing the Biopsy, he decided to operate first since he did not feel inflammation in the lymph nodes under the arm and next to the affected breast. Everything was fast and went very well.

The operation.


My neighbor had already warned me about the possibility of having my breast completely removed and I told him that if it was for my health I would undergo it. Then the doctor confirmed the same thing: Radical Mastectomy. The operation lasted 1 hour and the doctor told me that I had behaved very well. I came out of the anesthesia quickly and they sent me home since it is an outpatient operation (there is no hospitalization). They removed 5 lymph nodes and they were clean of all disease.

A very modern device.


They placed a drain, into which all the blood and liquids that oozed from the operation fell. I had to measure that every day and clean the device since when it reached 5 cc they could remove it. It is a very updated and very comfortable device since when you press it, the suction function of the liquids in the area begins. It took me 20 days and the amount still did not decrease, so the doctor decided to remove it and have me attend weekly to draw the liquid with a syringe directly to the area to extract the liquids. That lasted about two more weeks. He said that this was normal in some cases but that they had to be removed because they could be damaged and cause an infection and could be harmful.



The first thing that changed in my life was my diet. They told me: No sugar (of any kind), no canned goods, no sausages, ham, chorizos or sausages, no processed foods, no sweeteners. This is now permanent for the rest of my days. And it continues to change, since during chemotherapy I cannot consume grains, cheese (only ricotta), and raw vegetables because of the parasites I can acquire with them. I can eat bananas (without the black seeds), cassava, cooked vegetables, avocado, some fruits and consume a lot of coconut water since these regenerate the electrolytes lost during chemotherapy.

My appearance.


The second thing that changed was my appearance, it was not only with the lack of my left breast, but with the lack of my hair. But as my best friends who have already gone through this process tell me: Hair grows back. At first I looked for one of those little hats to cover my lack of hair, but then I left my head like that and I have to confess that everyone looked at me strangely, not so much because of the lack of hair but because of the association they made with Cancer, it's a feeling of rejection or I DON'T WANT TO GET CONTAGED.

Cancer is not contagious, it is not even inherited since there is no one in my family with a history of Cancer. Nowadays people are seeing it as more normal, something temporary and the fact is that Cancer now has more cure than before. Although there is a lot of misinformation towards patients about this disease, there is now a much higher survival rate. You take the information as you advance in the process and ask questions.

Where to get strength?



When you feel bad, where do you go? I have been an Evangelical Christian for 6 years and I have many testimonies of the response that God has given me in all the difficult and happy moments that I have gone through in my life. The church comforts you because it teaches you how to ask God to give you the strength to come out of the process successfully. Every Sunday the brothers encourage you to continue confident and that makes you change your attitude, something very important in this type of illness, we have to be positive and not fall into depression since that would be fatal.

The help of the church comes from God and from how you seek Him in intimacy, God listens and we all know it, but we forget very quickly when the miracle has been accomplished for us and even so God continues to help us because God is Merciful and every day his Mercies are new. Seek God and let Him do all the work for you and the doctors. I hope that this publication has served to make known a little of what cancer patients go through. I went from not taking a single headache pill to having a pharmacy on my nightstand, but always thinking that this is temporary. In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ it is so.


I invite to @oneidaa @petrarodriguez @ubondugofot


Traduccion al Español:

Muy poco habia participado en el Juego de mi Diario, pero recibi una invitacion del amigo @charter y vi que lo han actualizado por temas y esta semana es el tema de la salud. Algo en lo que estoy muy comprometida ultimamente.

En el 2022 toque en mi seno izquierdo un pequeño bulto el cual me llevo a buscar un medico que me viera y me dijera de que se trataba. No tenia conocimiento de que especialidad podria ser esa, a donde ir ? Pregunte a una amiga y me recomendo a un Oncologo en un centro de salud publica de la ciudad. Cuando le comente a una de mis hermanas ella se asombro. Me dijo: Por que un Oncologo, ellos ven enfermedades del Cancer ? Aun asi yo acudi a la consulta.

Cuando mi hijo, que estaba en Colombia se entero, me dijo que me fuera para alla. Que alla obtendria una Residencia Permanente, una EPS (seguro medico) y que ya con eso podia verme de ese bulto que me habia salido, La verdad es que aunque me dieron el Permiso de Permanencia y obtube una EPS, nunca pude verme en un hospital ya que nunca pude conseguir una cita medica para abrir historia y mucho menos verme con un medico.

El Diagnostico.

Cansada de esperar por una cita y habiendo pasado casi un año en Colombia, decido venirme a Venezuela debido a que la pequeña pelotica estaba creciendo. No me dolia para nada, solo me molestaba si queria dormir boca abajo.

De inmediato contacte a mi vecino quien todavia ayudaba a si mama con un Carcinoma de Mama. Me dice ve a ver al doctor Mastologo Jonathan, es quien opero a mi mama y quedo muy bien. Disculpen mi desconocimiento, pero era la primera vez que yo escuchaba esa especialidad y no sabia que el mastologo es quien trata lo relacionado con las mamas, de mujeres y hombres.

Tampoco sabia que los hombres pueden padecer un tipo de enfermedad en sus pechos como lo pasamos nosotras. Al ver la Mamografia de inmediato me dijo: Requieres Radioterapia para bajar el tamaño del tumor, operacion y Quimioterapias. Asi sin anestesia, quede impactada ya que tenemos el concepto del Cancer como sinonimo de muerte.

Luego de realizarme la Biopsia decidio operar primero ya que no sentia inflamacion en los ganglios que estan debajo del brazo y al lado del seno afectado. Todo fue rapido y salio muy bien.

La operacion.

Mi vecino ya me habia advertido sobre la posibilidad de que me eliminaran totalmente el seno y yo le dije que si era por mi salud me someteria a ello. Luego el doctor me ratifico lo mismo: Mastectomia Radical. La operacion duro 1 hora y el doctor me dijo que me habia portado muy bien. Sali rapido de la anestesia y me enviaron a mi casa ya que es una operacion ambulatoria (no lleva hospitalizacion). Me extrajeron 5 ganglios resultando limpios de toda enfermedad.

Un aparato muy moderno.

Me colocaron un drenaje, en el que caia toda la sangre y los liquidos que supuraba la operacion. Eso debia medirlo todos los dias y limpiar el aparato ya que al llegar a 5 cc podian quitarmelo. Es un aparato muy actualizado y muy comodo ya que al presionarlo comienza la funcion de succion de los liquidos de la zona. Yo tarde 20 dias y todabia no bajaba la cantidad, asi que el doctor decidio quitarmelo y que asistiera semanalmente para sacar el liquido con una jeringa directamente a la zona para extraer los liquidos. Eso duro como dos semanas mas. El dijo que eso era normal en algunos de los casos pero que habia que extraerlos porque se pueden dañar y causar una infeccion y podia ser perjudicial.

La alimentacion.

Lo primero que cambio en mi vida fue la alimentacion. Me dijeron: Nada de azucar (de ningun tipo), nada de enlatados, nada de salchichas, jamon, chorizos ni embutidos, nada de alimentos procesados, nada de edulcorantes. Esto ya es permanente para el resto de mis dias. Y sigue cambiando, ya que durante las quimioterapias no puedo consumir granos, queso (solo el ricota) verduras crudas por los parasitos que pueda adquirir con ellos. Puedo comer platanos (sin las pepitas negras), yuca, verduras cocidas, aguacate, algunas frutas y consumir mucha agua de coco ya que estos regeneral los electrolitos perdidos durante las quimioterapias.

Mi apariencia.

Lo segundo que cambio fue mi apariencia, ya no solo era con la falta de mi seno izquierdo, sino con la falta de mi cabello. Pero como me dicen mis mejores amigas que ya han pasado por este proceso: El cabello vuelve a crecer. Al principio busque uno de esos gorritos para cubrirme la falta de cabello, pero despues me deje asi mi cabecita y tengo que confesar que todos me miraban extrañado, no tanto por la falta de cabello sino por la asociacion que hacian con el Cancer, es un sensacion de rechazo o de NO QUIERO CONTAGIARME.

El Cancer no se contagia, ni siquiera se hereda ya que en mi familia no hay nadie con antecedentes de Cancer. En la actualidad ya la gente lo esta viendo mas normal, algo como temporal y es que el Cancer tiene ahora mas cura que antes. Aunque hay mucha desinformacion hacia los pacientes sobre esta enfermedad ahora existe mucho mas porcentage de sobrevivencia. La informacion la vas tomando a medida que vas avanzando en el proceso y preguntando.

Donde conseguir fortaleza?

La iglesia.

Cuando te sientes mal, a donde acudes ? Yo soy Cristiana Evangelica desde hace 6 años y tengo muchos testimonios de la respuesta que me ha dado Dios en todos los momentos dificiles y felices que he pasado en mi vida. La iglesia te reconforta porque te enseña a como pedirle a Dios que te de las fuerzas para salir del proceso con bien. Los hermanos cada domingo te dan aliento a que continues confiada y eso te hace cambiar de actitud, algo muy importante en este tipo de enfermedad, tenemos que estar positivas y no caer en depresion ya que eso seria fatal.

La ayuda de la iglesia proviene de Dios y de como tu lo buscas en la intimidad, Dios escucha y todos lo sabemos, pero olvidamos muy pronto en cuanto se nos ha cumplido el milagro y aun asi Dios nos continua ayudando porque Dios es Misericordioso y cada dia son nuevas sus Misericordias. Busca de Dios y deja que El haga todo el trabajo por ti y por los doctores. Espero que esta publicacion haya servido para dar a conocer un poco de lo que los pacientes oncologicos pasamos. Yo pase se no tomar ni una pastilla para el dolor de cabeza a tener una farmacia en mi mesa de noche, pero siempre pensando que esto es temporal. En el nombre de nuestro Señor Jesucristo asi es.

 9 months ago (edited)

Guess what?
I am also a breast cancer patient... I've been in remission now for a long time but that sword will always stays above your head. All that we can do is to stay positive, share with family and friends, and believe.

Just know we serve a Heavenly Father that know His plans for us.
I wish you all the best for your journey and I will carry you in my prayers.


Thank you for the alert..., I think she is making some great progress. The kind of outcome I like to hear!

 9 months ago 


 9 months ago 

It is unfortunate to hear so many people included in this evil, but it is something that with positivism we can overcome and with trust placed in God, who can do everything, we will emerge from all this successfully. God loves us as his daughters, so our Father will not forsake us.

 9 months ago 

Amen! 🙏

Thank you, friend!
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 9 months ago 

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 9 months ago 

Thank you very much.


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 9 months ago 

Thank you very much friends.

 9 months ago 

I hope you are well. I have enjoyed many of your posts and I am very sorry that you are sick and that you are suffering from this disease. Please keep your medicine etc. regular. And if you take a good diet you can recover quickly and I am very happy that you have your prayers according to me.

 9 months ago 

Hi friend. Thanks for your good advice. I always try to eat well because this is the principle that the treatment works and secondly is our attitude. We should lead a calm and carefree life. I hope you are well and relaxed from problems. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

 9 months ago 

I am very well doll, hand in hand with my heavenly Father and you as a company. They are the best there is.

Atleast you are on the track of getting better and that's the greatest good news I have heard today!

And thank you for telling us the update. It doesn't matter if your left breast is removed, what really matters and important right now is that whatever cause of that cancer is no more in your body system.

I wish you a quick recovery...and please do let me know if you need any assistance within my reach.

 9 months ago 

How kind you are, thank you very much. The truth is that in this process I have found many kind and good-hearted people, like all of you. Since I arrived on Steemit almost 7 years ago I have felt their love as a family that we are on the platform. Thank you very much for always being here.

 9 months ago 

Amiga querida.

No tenía idea de las cosas por las cuales has pasado y estás pasando :(, pero confío que Dios siempre ha tenido el control de las cosas, al igual que controla nuestras vidas cuando así lo permitimos.

Deseo lo mejor para ti, y que tengas mucha salud