Diary game (28) My day with my four footed friend/friends

in Healthy Steemlast month (edited)

Greetings steemians, how are you all doing today hope you guys are enjoying this peaceful last week of may, it pleasure having you guys in this amazing contest, "My day with my four footed friend/friends" organized by @aaliarubab,

Today I will be sharing story of my four footed friend, how I became close to a dog called SF(special force)

I can still remember when I was in primary 3(three), one morning I was going to school with my friends so we usually pass through one compound were there was dog, not that they is no other road/way to school but we insisted passing there every time we are going or coming back from school to look for the dog trouble, unfortunately one morning when we were going to school through the usual road to do as usual we never knew that the dog was not chained so when we were passing we started shouting the dog name as we do always suddenly the dog just came out from his cage unchained that's where we noticed we are in big trouble immediately everybody started running for their safety and one of my friend left his junior sister and run for his dear life but the dog didn't even go after the little girl but instead focused on us that are running, when everybody diverted to different road the dog started chasing me alone, what I heard was "don't run, don't run " by the owner of the dog and the neighbors but at that moment all my brain is telling is to run for dear life, the dog later succeeded in scratching me with his front legs on my buttocks, from that day I swore that I will not have anything to do with any dog again, but that time sense of reasoning was not there I would have just stand the dog will pass or stop just like the way it passed the little girl without hurting her.


After some years our neighbours bought a puppy from his village the puppy was looking good in colour which I became close to and I forgot what I earlier said that I will not have anything to do with a dog, all I just said since this one is puppy it will not warm any for no reason,
Since the dog is close to our house we both became friends that when I call him it will come without any hesitation and delay, as time goes on the dog had grown up that we even walk together and go to farm together sometimes people even ask me how much I bought it, because they taught I was the owner of the dog due to our closeness and how we walk around together, it got to an extent that the owner will call him he will not respond because he is with me, for the love I have for the dog I usually give him any leftovers we have in our house to and at times gather bones for him which he loves so much, while doing this the closeness became stronger and thicker that even the owner become jealous and started locking him inside so that he will not come out,Screenshot_20240530-010616_1.png
Even when he want to clean the house he will put him in chain and tied it in one of the tree root in his frontage, all this does not stop the dog from coming close to me, the only thing is that the time I spent with him became short and not often

A visit to a zoo or game farm or even
I have never visited the zoo before but a have gone to a small animal farm, which is our goat house were we rear our goats, it is easy to rear goats when you are used to it and at the same time difficult if you are not used to it.


A visit to an animal shelter
Since we have goats which I take care of, I will not say I visited the place everyday or everytime but rather I will say I I take care of them like taking them to bush to go and feed on grasses and bring them back in the afternoon to drink water and rest for some times then take them back in the evening to eat small grass again and bring them back before night falls.

I have come to the end of this wonderful contest, I will like to appreciate my colleagues who come across this post and also appreciate the effort of the organizer @aaliarubab for organizing this amazing contest,and also want to invite my fellow steemians @josepha, @bonaveture24, @anthony002 to take part in this contest.

 last month 

Saludos chico, tremenda experiencia de joven, espero lo hayas tomado como una enseñanza de vida, nunca le corras a un perro, ni le demuestre miedo, solo míralo a los ojos fijos, y verás como lo controlas. Bendiciones

Thanks dear for your warm reply I really appreciate it may God you remain bless

 last month 

Hi Dear friend

How are You? You share such a interesting story of you love with your four footed animals called SF is so adorable. You are going school at 3 rd level amd meet these dogs now this relationship is exceed many times now your are very familiar with this keep sharing your thoughts nd day's with all of us like that

Best of luck for Contest

Thank you very much for your good reply I really appreciate, it my pleasure having you in this contest

 last month 

Welcome Dear for your positive response back