Contest Alert ⚠️ Mental Peace

in Healthy Steem24 days ago

Hello friends, welcome to my blog, it feels really good to be here. I got attracted to one of the contest topic in this beautiful community and I felt it's okay to share my thoughts as touching the topic. It all about Mental Peace and I really do hope y'all find it really interesting. Let's get into it guys...

What do you understand by mental peace.

I would love to define the above by breaking it first into two part, the first being mentaland the other part Peace. Mental has to do with the state of mind of an individual, where reasoning takes place and all manner of thought are accommodated and processed.

Peace on the other hand is a state of complete calmness and tranquility...a state void of anxiety, fear and chaos. Now merging both terms together, I would say mental peace is that state or posture the mind takes when it's totally void of worries and anxiety. Its the state of total calmness of the mind.

Describe the effects of achieving mental peace on a body.

Mental peace seems to be underrated these days not by all though but by those who truly do not know it significance. Many have pursued other things around life at the expense of their mental peace and now they seem haunted.. our mental peace should be something paramount to us...I mean, it should be prioritized.

Let's get to see what we stand to gain when we pursue after mental peace, of course they are quite numerous but i will take my time to share few with us in this post. Let's get into it guys!

Less Distractions: People who have achieved mental peace have less distractions and this helps them focus on things that matter to them rather than being carried away or distracted by anxieties and pressures of life.

Worries has a sure way of distracting us and making us lose sight on other productive part of our life, neither will it let us pursue things that would give us happiness. Hence the reason why we should prioritize mental peace.

Inner Happiness: Mental peace produces inner happiness in those who have successfully pursued and attained it. You just get happy and have this sense of fulfilment because You're not tied to your worries, neither have you entertained it.


Not only are you happy, you would also be calm, collected and relaxed even as you go about your daily activities. It unlike a mind that is turbulent, such mind would always be restless and apprehensive for no just cause.

Unbordered about people view about you: Many people going through depression and those who have this sense of unfulfillment when it comes to their live are product of the many discouraging words from people that they allowed into their mind which ended up making them worthless and unworthy.

When we attain that mental peace, we arrive at a state where we care less about what people say about us whether before us or behind us, all those do not matter anymore, all that matter is the peace we want to continually enjoy regardless of the negative or even positive things people say about us.

Clear Judgement and rational thinking:. A man who have attained the state of mental peace can always deliver sound judgement because his state of mind is calm and relaxed and not influenced by some negative factors that usually overwhelm the mind of an average human.

People with mental peace are known to think right and straight because they have zero worries. This is the state we want to be if we must be sound in our judgement and decision making.

Rest: People with metal peace find rest easily when compared with those that do not. The mind can be up for 24hours going to and fro because it is restless and void of peace. Sleep hardly comes when the mind is restless.

The mind keeps operating, thinking around things it cannot actually control yet won't give up till it takes a toll on the health of the individual. Mental peace guarantees rest, deeper rest such as sleep, because the mind is in a relaxed state.

Tell us about the ways through which help to get mental peace

Avoid Worries: I know this sounds like it impossible but the fact is it very possible, you can choose to allow a thought eat you up or not. It's a matter of choice.

Thoughts come in like a tiny little stuff but when we begin to feed it, they becomes something so huge and sometimes get beyond what we can control. This is the reason why we should avoid worries and anxieties, especially thing are obviously beyond our control.

Prioritize Rest: this is very important, sometimes you need to intentionally force yourself to rest just so the mind can seize from active thinking and worries, you might need to take yourself off the environment that reminds you of your challenges or anxieties, you could decide to take a walk...just ensure the mind get some rest.

Create time for leisure: Leisure works like magic, it energizes the mind and make the soul as free as a bird because all you get to feel at those moments is joy and happiness. Make sure you engage in fun filled activities that interests you. With this in place one can breath fresh air and feel good.


Live within your means: So many are in a deep mess today because they failed to live within their means, when you stretch beyond where you should, you should expect some feed back which includes worries and fear.

For example when you borrow more than you can pay, when you buy more than you can afford or when you promise what you can't even fulfill, all of these would haunt you for sure. So just be YOU and allow the YOU in you find expression. Do not ever be under pressure.

Feed Well: Well someone once said that no matter what you face, ensure you eat. This is very true, I know at those moments one seems to lost appetite for food but come to think of it, what good has refusing to eat done to the body. Avoiding food at those periods is like hastening the effect of the problem.

Eating is one of the way to manage the situation, especially situation that seems beyond you. It could be beyond you truly but might just be something very small to another person. And every solution would come from man through God, so why die of hunger before getting the solution. Lols...


Our mental health should be our top priority, truth is, it has a way of controlling every other aspect of our live. So we have to ensure we are in the right frame of mind so that we can be rational in our thinking and make good and informed decision. Let's value our peace of mind and take it very serious.

I think I will just wrap it up at this point and just before I go, I will like to invite @radleking @rakiya @josepha to this contest. Gracias!


 24 days ago 

Thanks for your participation. Best of luck for the contest.

 23 days ago 

You're welcome..thanks for the wishes.

 23 days ago 

Hola querido @rossnenye
Me gustó como describiste ambos conceptos para después unirlos a tu manera, la paz mental es un misterio para los corazones incrédulos, para mí la paz mental está también ligada a la parte espiritual! ♥
Pude sentir paz y tranquilad al leerte amigo
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