My Daily Healthy Dynamics 👩‍⚕️- Dealing With Environmental Pollution

in Healthy Steem5 months ago

As human beings, one of the things that can really affect our health and not even our health alone but our general wellbeing is what I will say about our environment. If our environment is in a good and perfect shape, our health will be in a good shape and if it is the other way round, it will also affect us health-wise.

One of the things that I have really come to discover that always affects our environment is pollution. Pollution ranges from different aspects and today I will be talking majorly on how we can deal with environmental pollution that is affecting our health and today I will be sharing some of the little tips with you.

Introduction To Pollution.


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Before even diving into dealing with environmental pollution, let me first briefly talk about pollution. What it is really and how it actually works. What do I mean by Environmental Pollution, they refers to the contamination of our environment through some various pollutants that affects our health. Pollution as many of us is aware of actually occur in various forms which are the ones we are familiar with like the Air Pollution, Water Pollution, Soil Pollution and Noise Pollution. Let me talk briefly about them.

  • Air Pollution.

When we talk about Air Pollution, we mean the Harmful and dangerous substances like gases ranging from carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides and even particulate matter that are released to the atmosphere. And there are actually various sources of pollution which include vehicles emissions, through industrial activities, Agricultural activities. Most of the time, Air Pollution can cause Respiratory diseases and affect our environment.

  • Water Pollution.


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This is the second on the list and most of the time affect our environment. It is one of the most popular form of pollution. Water pollution works in a way whereby contaminats are found in bodies of waters like the rivers, oceans, lakes and many more. When we talk about the sources of pollution, it also varies ranging from Industrial Discharge, Sewage Discharge and Oil Spills. Water pollution can cause dangerous effects for our ecosystem, and even put our human health at risk.

  • Soil Pollution:

This is the third form of pollution on my list and which I will be talking about also. Most of the time, soul pollution is also regarded as land pollution. This happens when harmful substances are found or deposited into the soil. This affect soil quality and soil pollution sources also includes industrial activities, waste disposal and even fertilizers that is been used in agriculture. Soil pollution can affect plant growth, reduce crop yields and in the long run affect our health.

  • Noise Pollution.

The last one on my list is noise pollution. Most of the time, we find it hard to see it as a form of pollution but it is actually a form of pollution. When it comes to noise pollution, we are talking about the excessive noise that affects the environment and create discomfort to humans and our health. Major source of noise pollution ranges from transportation, industrial activities also can go a long way in affecting and even construction sites also. This affects hearing loss, sleep disturbance and even communication problems.

Having established the introduction to pollution and the different forms of the pollution, let's move to the ways we can deal with environmental pollution.

How To Deal With Environmental Pollution.


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It is of great importance and benefits our environment and our health overall if we can find strategies to actually deal with environmental pollution and how it works. It is necessary we deal with it before it continues to cause a major effect in our society. I will be mentioning some key ways I believe we can deal with environmental pollution so that our society will be a safer place to live and be.

  • Reduce, Reuse, Recycle (3R Principle).

This will the first strategy I will be making mention of that I strongly believe if it can be incorporated can go a long way in helping our environment and health. This works in a way where by wastes are been minimised by reducing consumption of things that might affect our environment, reusing products and lastly recycling materials that might serve as a source of pollution in our environment. By doing so, we can actually decrease pollution in our society.

  • Transition to Renewable Energy Sources

I actually believe it is high time our society transmit to the form of renewables energy sources. Renewable energy sources like the solar, wind and hydroelectric. By doing so, this can help to reduce air pollution in our environment. This will really go a long way in Sustaining our human health and the health of our environment.

  • Implement Pollution Control Technologies.


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There are a whole lot of societies or environments that do not have pollution control technologies which I believe is affecting our environment. Since we know that one of the major sources of pollution in our environment are industrial activities, it will be of great good if industries can actually work with pollution control technologies like filters in order to reduce the emissions of harmful pollutants. These technologies can really go a long way in actually helping us to deal with pollutants and sustain the water quality and our atmosphere.

  • Improve Waste Management Practices.

The next point I want to mention on my list actually is for us to implement proper waste management practices in our environment and surroundings. This involves proper disposal of waste as that can help to prevent land pollution, air pollution and even water pollution. This is really what we need to be very careful of actually.

-Enforce Environmental Regulations.

One of the ways I strongly believe our government can really do so much good for us is to a actually enforce environmental regulations and even standards. By doing so, it can help to control pollution that might want to come from industries, agriculture or even transportation also. This will really go a long way in putting our environment in a better shape to actually be.

I will like to stop here and continue in my next post. I strongly believe it is needed that we work together as one to keep our society in a safer place to be so that we will live the life we need to live for our society and this will help to sustain our health in a good shape it should be.

Special Thanks

I invite @lovelystar , @newekemini5 and @okere-blessing to participate in this contest.

❤️I hope you enjoyed very much by reading my post. Thank you so much for reading till the end❤️

Best Regards By


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 5 months ago 

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 5 months ago 

Hola amigo

¿En menos de 24 horas hiciste 8 publicaciones?..

 5 months ago (edited)

Yes ma.

I spend almost a whole day on Steemit and writing has always been my passion ☺️

