Health Matters (18); MULTI-VITAMINS
Multivitamins are dietary supplements that are designed to provide us with various important vitamins and minerals that we do not get enough of from our diet. These are contain the basic nutritional compounds that the human body needs to maintain health. People of all age groups can take appropriate vitamins with the approval of nutritionists and doctors.
Have you ever taken a multivitamin before? Why?

I have explained above what multivitamins are. So these belong to the groups of vitamins A, B, C, D, K and E. In addition, iron tablets and folic acid also belong to multivitamins. It is best for a woman who is expecting to get married or is already married to take folic acid as per medical advice.
In the past, when we were in school, our teachers would give us iron tablets once a week after the morning assembly. At that time, we didn't take them because we would have thrown them away. But now I think it would have been better if we had taken them. A few years ago, I took a food supplement containing various vitamins and minerals for 4 months. It was to provide my body with good nutrition and a radiant complexion. I got good results from that multivitamin. My skin looked good and was healthy. About two months ago, I bought another multivitamin containing glutathione from the pharmacy. It was in the hope of getting good nutrition for my skin. I currently take one tablet every day from this.
What are the goods and bads of multivitamins to our health?
Everything has its good and bad sides. So it is with multivitamins. Let's see what they are.
• The main benefit of multivitamins is that they provide us with the necessary amount of vitamins and minerals that we cannot get from our daily diet. This can prevent possible nutritional deficiencies.
• Some vitamins and minerals are very important for our immune system. They are nutrients like vitamin C, D, and zinc. These nutrients provide the energy needed for our immune system to function properly.
• Also, for young children, pregnant mothers, and elderly people or those who follow a special diet, taking special multivitamins will help them get the nutrition they need daily and maintain a healthy body.
• Not all vitamins are suitable for all groups of people. For example, vitamins such as vitamin A are not suitable for pregnant women. That is, vitamin A has teratogenic potential.
• Some vitamins are water-soluble and some are fat-soluble. Vitamins A, D, E, and K are fat-soluble vitamins. So, taking too much of these vitamins can damage the kidneys and liver.
• Taking unnecessary vitamins and minerals can lead to unnecessary health problems due to the body getting more vitamins than it needs.
• By making it a habit to take multivitamins, we will miss out on the nutrients we need to get from our food.
Do you believe that everyone should take multivitamins, or are they only necessary for certain groups of people?
I don't think everyone needs to take multivitamins. Because if we get the vitamins and minerals we need from our daily diet, then we don't need multivitamins. Also, some types of vitamins and minerals are not suitable for all groups of people. For example, as I mentioned above, vitamin A and its derivatives are not suitable for pregnant mothers. They can cause harm to the fetus. Therefore, regardless of age, multivitamins should be taken according to the advice of a doctor or nutritionist. They should not be used arbitrarily.
What do you think about the differences between synthetic and natural vitamins? Which do you prefer?
Natural vitamins are the vitamins that we get from our daily food or other natural sources. Synthetic vitamins or multivitamins tablets are vitamins that are chemically produced to resemble natural vitamins.
So, our human body is designed to be in harmony with nature, and these natural vitamins are easily absorbed by our body. But these multivitamins that we take in the form of tablets are not completely absorbed by the body. Most of them are excreted from the body with urine or bile.
Also, naturally obtained vitamins cause fewer side effects, while synthetic vitamins cause more side effects.
So in my opinion, it is safest to get as many natural vitamins as possible. Because as I mentioned above, the human body is designed to be in harmony with nature, what suits us best is not synthetic multivitamins, but naturally occurring vitamins. For this, we can add vegetables, fruits, and herbs to our daily diet.
In your opinion, how important is it to consult a healthcare professional before starting a multivitamin regimen?
Each of us has a different health condition and the amount of nutrients we get every day. Therefore, the vitamins and minerals that we need may not be needed by another person. The best thing is to visit a doctor or nutritionist before taking any multivitamin, tell them about your diet and get advice from them and take multivitamins accordingly.
Finally I would like to invite my some of friends @sualeha, @jyoti-thelight and @enamul17 to participate this contest.
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