Contest: Caring for Our Skin

in Healthy Steem10 days ago



Hello dear friends of steem health. Greetings to You all around the world. Trust You all are having a wonderful time, as for me I'm also enjoying as well. It's my pleasure to be here again today and at the same time I'm so delighted to have you all right here with me. I'm here to follow and take part in this wonderful contest titled "Caring For Our Skin". It also happens to be an amazing topic so far because I will gets to learn alot on my own point of view. All thanks to @sahmie for bringing up this beautiful contest. I will start from here without wasting time.

Skin is one of the uttermost layer of the body, it helps to cover our body and also protect the skin from some of the external factors like humidity and potential harmful substances, skin is also one of a complex organs that helps the body to perform some multiple functions and make it a vital part of an overall well-being.

👉Why is skin health important?

When we gets to talk about skin health, it is very important in everyday life which act as a a barrier against some of the external factors like temperature and some harmful substances and some of this harmful substances are siloxanes, petrolatum and talc, healthy skin also prevents diseases and some of the infections and diseases like wound and skin cancer, it also affects our appearance influencing how we feel about ourselves which contributes to an overall quality of life that enables us to enjoy daily activities with confident.

Skin health is also important expecially when we also gets to take action in our various environments by maintaining cleanliness, and also taking good care of the surrounding thereby sweeping and also maintain an healthy lifestyle in other for our skin to kept clean and healthy at all times.

👉How does hydration affect skin health?


• Water hydration also plays a vital role in protecting the skin from sun burn damage, this helps the skin natural repair processes which can easily fix damages been caused by UV exposure.

• Hydration can also helps to control oil production in the skin which can helps to regulate hormonal imbalances that can lead to excess oil production which can easily helps the skin to remain healthy.

• Hydration also helps to impact the overall tone of a skin which helps to reduce the appearance of dark spot, water also helps to flush out toxins which can easily give the skin a brighter appearance.

• Hydration is also essential for keeping the skin to looks vibrant thereby reducing the appearance of fatigue and also making the skin to looks more freshend.

• Hydration can also improve skin thickness and also helps to improve skin elasticity there by making the skin to look so radiant, it can also reduce the appearance of lines and also makes the skin to be smooth enough.

👉What are the common skin care mistakes to avoid?

I also have some of the skin care mistakes that one must avoid, they are as follows..

1. Using Harsh Product: Products that contains alcohol or artificial fragrances can also cause damage or skin irritation so in this case one must avoid such a mistake by all means so that it may not damage our skin easily.

2. Smoking And Excessive Alcohol: This two things can also be a damage to our skin or skin cancer which is not all that good, so in this case one needs to avoid this mistakes by staying away from smoking and drinking alcoholic drink.

3. Not Protecting Skin From Pollution: Failing to protect the skin from environment pollutants can also cause some common diseases to our skin or it may also leads to skin damage, so in this case one have to avoid this common mistake by all means.

4. Not Getting Enough Sleep: Poor sleep can also leads to dull skin and dark circles so in this case one have to get enough sleep so as to maintain a proper skin care.

5. Not Staying Consistent With A Skin Care Routine: Inconsistency can also leads to a skin concerns for example failing to be applying cream to the body can also cause skin damage or skin concerns.

6. Not Wearing Sun Screen Daily: Failing to wear sun screen or skipping it a day can leads to sun or premature aging, so in the case one must endeavour to wear the sunscreen regularly so as to avoid damage or skin irritating.

👉How can diet affect skin health?


Diet also plays a significant roles in skin health, diet is a well balanced diet which is very rich in essential nutrients that can helps maintain an healthy skin, while a diet lacking these nutrients can easily leads to skin issues which can easily affects our health. Some of the ways in which diet affects skin health are as follow..

1. Probiotics: This is also one of the beneficial bacteria that can help to support immune system, helping to fight off harmful bacteria and other pathogens that can affect skin health.

2. Zinc: is also an essential mineral that helps to supports the healing of wounds and cuts which helps to suit or clam irritated skin, reducing redness and swelling.

3. Vitamin C: Is also one of the powerful antioxidants that offers essential benefits for skin health and appearance, vitamin C helps to regulate water balance in the skin which helps to maintain a proper hydration and reducing dryness.

4. Antioxidants: is also a substance that helps to protect cells from damage caused by free radicals, preventing them from damaging skin cells and causing signs of aging.

5. Essential nutrients: are also a vital for maintaining an overall health it supports skin cells and also reduce inflammation and improve wound healing, this essential nutrients can also be found in whole foods and supplements.

👉What are some natural ways to maintain healthy skin?

• For one to maintain an healthy skin he or she as to be personally involved in drinking alot of water so as to keep the skin hydrated and plump as usual.

• For one to also maintain an healthy skin one must endeavour to protect the skin from sunlight by using natural sun screens like titanium or zinc dioxide so as to prevent UV damage.

• Also moisturise the body with natural oil regularly by using coconut oil, olive and peer's oil to lock in moisture and soothes dry skins.

• Eat balanced diet regularly and some of this diets must be very rich in whole foods like fruit, vegetables and healthy fats foods like egg, beans and butter which will helps to maintain an healthy skin.

• Also endeavour to stay active by engaging in regular exercises which can easily improves circulation, which helps to nourish and oxygenate and healthy skin.

• Avoid harsh chemicals or harmful substances so as to avoid causing wounds to the skin or chemical free skin care products to avoid irritating the skin.

• Getting enough sleep for atleast seven to Nine hour's can also help your skin to generate and repair it tissues.



Patients and consistency are the vital keys to care for the skin endeavour to give your skin time to respond, by following the tips and guidelines in which i have discussed so far in this topic we can maintain a proper care of the skin and address various skin concerns.

Thanks so much friends for taking out time to read and go through my blog, I love you all. I will also invite some of my friends to also follow me and participate in this wonderful contest.


Thanks For Reading😊

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 10 days ago 

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

Yes and Also thank You for your support Also 💯
