Contest Alert ⚠️ "Bleeding Gums"

in Healthy Steem6 days ago (edited)

Bleeding Gums.jpg

Assalam o Alykum yhope so all will be fine today am participating of contest this is organized by @suboohi.. the topic very amazing so lets start the challange..

What do you understand by bleeding gums?


Bleeding gums to the normally take place when the gums are irritating to or un healthy. The most of the comon causing is gum diseases be like gingivitis to which hapens when the pllaque buillding to up on teeths. It can also to be causing to by brushes too hard on the vitamins the deficiencys to or certain medically on the conditions. the keeps to the good oral hygiene be like brushes & flosing gentlly & regularlly to can helping on the arrest on bleedings on the gums.

write some common causes of it.


The common on the causing of the bleeding gums following

  • Not brushing and the flossing properlly to which conduct to the plaque conduct.
  • Gum on the diseases be like gingivitis and the period ontitis.
  • Brushing too hard or used to a hard tooth brushing.
  • The flossing roughlly or the incorrectlly.
  • Lack of the vitamins be like vitamin C or K.
  • The hormonally to the changing on the esspecially on the during pregnancys.
  • The medication to that thin on the blood.

how can we reduce it?


  • The brush to your teeth on the gentlly twice to a day with a softy on a tooth brush.
  • The floss to the daily to the removing to the plaque on b/w teeth.
  • The uses to an antibacterially on the mouth washing to a keep your gums of the clean.
  • Eat foods on a rich in vitamins C & K to strengthen to your gums.
  • The avoiding on a smoking to as it can be harm gums of the health.
  • The visiter to your dentists to the regularlly for the check on ups & the cleaners.

Any natural remedy suggestion on your experience that reduce it?


This is the reducess on the bleeding on the gums to the naturally to try rinsing with the warm salt water to reducess on the swelling. you can be also applly aloe vera gel to the soothe of the gums. The eating on the vitamin C rich fruits be like oranges or the strawberys to can be help strengthen on the gums. These are the simplly to the remedys to can be improving on the gum on the health.
