Steemit Engagement Challenge /S11W3- "Hereditary Diseases"

in Healthy Steem11 months ago

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Hello friends!! Greetings to all. This is @urmilanath650 from Bangladesh. At first I would like to thank @hive-168205 for arranging such a nice contest on "Hereditary Diseases ". I will try to include all of the important points on hereditary diseases in my content.


Yes I know that many diseases are hereditary such as sickle cell anemia, down syndrome, cystic fibrosis, haemoplilia, neurofibromatosis, thalassaemia, diabetes, albinism, muscular dystrophy etc. As a student of life science background, I have gained some knowledge about genetics and hereditary diseases.

Hereditary diseases are also called genetic disorders because these may occur due to mutations in chromosome (DNA). Such mutations negatively affect genetic elements and thus normal functioning of body is hampered. This unusual genetic element pass from generation to generation. As individual gains half of genes from mother and half from father he/she has great chance to inherit mutations from parents.

Not all of the children suffer from that disease. Some of them may be carrier of that specific disease. For example all children of haemoplilia carrier mother and normal father are not haemophilic, rather there is chance of being 25% normal male, 25% carrier female, 25% haemophilic male, 25% normal female.

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Actually both of my parents are diabetes patient, which is very unfortunate for me. My mother has been suffering from diabetes for 6 years, and my father for 1 year. But surprisingly, both of their parents were diabetes free.

Now I will explain some insights of diabetes. Diabetes is related to blood sugar. In diabetic patients, level of blood sugar rises due to defect in sugar control mechanism. Insulin hormone is the key regulator of controlling glucose or sugar level. Insulin promotes cells' absorption of glucose from blood.

Two types of diabetes exist : type- 1 and type- 2 diabetes. In type- 1 diabetes, the pancreas cells that produce insulin hormone are effected due to autoimmunity. So sufficient amount of insulin can't be synthesized to lower the blood sugar level. Insulin injection is needed in type- 1 diabetes.

In case of type- 2 diabetes, insulin is produced but body cannot use it properly. This type of diabetes can be controlled by taking medicines and proper lifestyle.

Both of my parents have type- 2 diabetes. They take some medicines to keep sugar level balanced and don't eat sweet and sugary foods. They eat different vegetables and some fruits daily. But sometimes sugar level can be nil which is very dangerous. Mom's sugar level much decreased several times and she became very sick and about senseless condition. We fed her little sugar at such condition to balance the glucose level.

Image by kjpargeter on Freepik


As two of my family members have hereditary disease, I am very aware of such diseases. I maintain a healthy lifestyle like taking healthy foods devoid of so much sugar. Processed sugar is very harmful. I wake up early morning and walk for about 30 minutes.
We should take full body checkup twice or thrice in a year so that we understand whether organs function properly or not. We should not take medicines without doctor's prescription and should complete the course of any antibiotics we take.


Most hereditary or genetic diseases cannot be cured like angelman syndrome. But those that can be trated by surgery can be cured. Proper treatment can reduce the effects of these diseases if diagnosed in earlier stage.
Researchers are trying their best to invent new treatments and diagnostic procedures. We hope that treatments of hereditary diseases will develop in future.

By maintaining some rules we can remain free from some genetic disorders such as thalassaemia. Thalassaemia test is required before marriage because two thalassaemia carrier parents may give birth of thalassaemia children.

I'm finishing here. Hope you will read my blog with curiosity.
I invite @enamul17, @sadikul11, @ride1, @goodybest, @nevlu123 to participate in this contest.

My verification link Achievement 1: My introduction to "STEEMIT"

 11 months ago 

You mentioned thalassemia, diabetes, tuberculosis and some other diseases as hereditary diseases. I am completely agree with you. I have seen these problems with many families. Unfortunately your parents are the patients of diabetes. I wish they are safe and healthy.

Best wishes for the contest.

Hello @urmilanath650! Your article provides valuable insights into hereditary diseases and their impact on families. Your explanation of diabetes, its types, and the importance of lifestyle changes is informative. It's commendable that you're proactive in maintaining a healthy lifestyle to prevent such diseases. Your emphasis on regular check-ups and adherence to medical advice is crucial. Keep spreading awareness about genetic disorders and the importance of early detection!

 11 months ago 

Thanks friend for reading my post attentively

 11 months ago 

Hola amiga, la clave está en cuidar la salud en base a una alimentación balanceada, mucho ejercicio, hidratatación (beber agua) y control al menos 2 veces al año.

Al tener padres diabeticos debes cuidarte aún mas , seguro esa enfermedad está en tus genes y si te descuidas se mostrará, esa es la tendencia.

Haces muy bien en cuidar tu salud, la prevención es clave.

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