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RE: Eye Care

in Healthy Steem3 months ago

Your eye care habits are great for maintaining the health of your eyes and the skin around them. Using coconut oil or aloe vera gel to massage the eye area not only helps with relaxation but also moisturizes sensitive skin. Using cotton dipped in rose water is also an effective natural way to soothe tired eyes, especially after a long day of activities.

In addition, the habit of washing your eyes with clean water after coming from outside is a great preventive measure to remove dust or particles that may have entered your eyes. Reducing exposure to bright light from your phone and TV shows that you really care about your eye health in the long run.

But don't forget to still schedule a visit to the eye doctor, even though you are busy, because regular check-ups are very important to detect problems early. This combination of natural habits and medical steps shows your complete attention to eye health. Well done!