The Idiot

in Tales & stories4 days ago (edited)


The door creaked, the nurse was late. For those who can't see and dependent on others, time only counts by how the day feels, smells and with what sounds it is filled.
There was a thud. This was definitely the bag the girl had carelessly dropped while she walked on her way to the kitchen.

Good morning, greeted a voice outside, it was the neighbor who, although he was working, always seemed to be on the lookout.. A vague memory of a face loomed up but it didn't last long.
Good morning neighbor, sounded the cheerful voice of a child. It caused a shock of recognition. Those memories should better beforgotten.

A quick knock on the door which then swung open. A gust of air entered the room accompanied by a smell that could fell an elephant..
How are we today?
We? What a strange question as far as I know I am alone.
Is it okay if I sit down?
As if it matters, healers always do what they like. If I could I would hold my nose and tell him to leave but they are deaf, deaf and blind when it comes to the words and wishes of a client.
Do you have the chicken for the ceremony?
I nodded although I wasn't sure if the nurse had provided for it.
It's a white one?
White? What's that guy talking about? A chicken is a chicken, a bird, poultry and white meat. I nodded. What I had heard cackling was a chicken.
Okay, he said as paper rustled, it's in the Fad Week Magazine you can trust my lips are sealed. Shall we begin then?

For a second I thought I heard a soft thud in the hall accompanied by the neighbor's voice but the healer rattled on about the steps he would perform during the ritual.
For you, he announced as he pressed a bunch of dry stuff into my hands, no you don't have to smell hold it and before you know everything is it was before.

He began his spells, the air spread took my breath. Again I heard the neighbour was he moaning? The muttering grew louder and for a second I thought of the nurse who would normally have brought the tea.
Repeat after me L*}~Ea;Ig}GF|'ew
Unpronounceable, who is this idiot? This wasn't Harley. That person idolizing white chickens stank of death and destruction... I swallowed.
Don't be afraid Sis, hissed the healer, it won't take long did you believe you could escape me? His stinking breath made me gasp for air and the bunch of dry stuff slipped from my hand.
How many?
Not enough, he chuckled, such a pity I can't see your eyes.
His hands closed around my neck and trapped in his iron grip my hand reached for the knife I'd slept next to for over twelve years. Finally it came in handy. He groaned and the smell of fresh blood made the stench fade and as he let out his last breath my vision was back.

14824 Parker Island, Suite 623 looked like a slaughterhouse. The blind woman who had been housed in the room disappeared without a trace. The only trace the inspector found was a fortune cookie with the message Troubled? Call Harley Shinyfood - healer..


Prompts used written in bold - @freewritehouse
Story: Monday prompt
Wordcount: 550

#steemit #freewriters #wewrite #crimestory (hashtags are tested)


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@bluelavender @grebmot @bahrol would you like to write a crime story with 550 words, use hashtags #wewrite #story and two others and see if google can find what we post? Please, if you write, post in the community freewriters.

I'll try but it won't be pretty.

Does it have to be 550 words exactly?

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