Your little act of kindness

Sometimes all we need is to do a little act of kindness.No act of kindness is ever wasted.It can worth more than the biggest one and touches our hearts.❤️At the moment we may not feel its significance but later we can feel its power,which can even mend the broken hearts.

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​I was used to pour something for birds on the roof of my house. But during last ramdan I forget to put something on the roof to feed the birds,as I was used to wake up early for sehri.After few days my mother told me that she was noticing from the past few days that birds makes alot of noise by sitting over the walls of our house.I was so sad to hear this 😢 that how could I forget to feed them.But after that I never let a single day go without putting something on the roof.

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​These little birds are so innocent, they can develop an emotional attachment with human beings.I wanna say that please remember these little birds. As during this pandemic all the restaurants, wedding halls and other places from where they could find something to eat are closed we should never forget them and feed them.
Because sometimes by doing something little we can get the happiness and peace that can't be achieved by doing something biggest.

Not only birds or animals but human also deserve to be treated with kindness. In our daily life we pretend to be good and lenient but we forget to behave well with humans beings and knowingly or unknowingly we hurt people around us,like our employers and servants.They are also human beings so we should not degrade them for their passion and take care of their basic needs.


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You might need to do something really big to achieve the highest status in the eyes of this materialistic world but your little act can earn your Lord's favour ,so what we could more wish for?

There are so many ways which can give us relief, help the old and blind people to cross the road,by lifting their luggage,by feeding the poor and needy,by quenching the thurst of passengers, by lifting something harmful from the road and even passing a gentle smile to the ones who consider it difficult at the moment.

A little drop of water can run a mighty ocean,same as your little efforts can do something really big one-day.Once I was in park,where everyone was enjoying with their families.I saw a lady who was sitting sadly there.I went to her and asked the reason,but she never told me anything.It might be something personal but I tried my best to make her smile by cracking a joke.After sometime I succeed to brought a smile on her face which was my little success.

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I was happy that even for a moment but I made her to forget her grief which was the cause of her stress. All I wanna say that we should always try to do something good and positive to make others happy and never underestimate the power of our little act.

Thank you!