Research, Be a part!

in The Ink Well4 years ago

Hi friends,

I have been writing a book for some time. I need to research real responses to finish. I was wondering if you could help.

I need people to text/message their significant other this saying; “They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but when I see a picture of you I only see three. I love you.”

I then would love it if you could post their responses. All responses are good for my research, but the responses from those who are not typically doted upon in such ways are the most helpful.

I thank you and look forward to your responses!

  • Kelsk 🍻

By posting a response you are accepting that your response may be utilized in my book.


Dear Friend I didn't understand your motives and now that I do I sincerely wish you great success.

It’s all good friend. I understand how that post can look negative here. It pleases me that people such as yourself care about the content being posted. I believe it keeps an environment healthy.

Dear Friend it might be better to post on an appropriate venue to get the best results.

My apologies if I have over stepped. I am new on steemit.

This seems like an open and friendly community. I thought I’d see what kind of responses I’d get.

For context, the book is all about poetry. The part that this post pertains to is for people who are just getting in to expressing themselves through poetry. It’s mainly for the negative responses to their first steps. I then write about how to deal with it and flip it around moving forward. I was looking for unforeseen scenarios that I haven’t covered already.

I will stick to just sharing some of my work with you all, as well as enjoying the works of the community.