Achievement 4 applying markdown

in Newcomers' Community3 years ago (edited)

download (2).png


Markdowns are features that make our post on Steemit to look very beautiful, attractive and captivating.They include but not limited to:

•Justified alignment
•Dividing texts into two cells
•center text
• bold / italics

1.) Heading

Heading works in steemit using the hash method (#). When you place the (#) in front of a text or word then give a space, your desired size appears. Note, the more (#) you put at the front of a text determines the size you will get. For example;




Markdown styles
Markdown styles
Markdown styles
Markdown styles
Markdown styles

2.) Bold, italics, strike

▪Bold: input two asterisks, then write your desired word and close with two asterisks (** ...... **)

▪Italics: input one asterisks, then write your desired word and close with one asterisk (* ...... * )

▪Strike : input use two tildes, then write your desired word and close with two tildes ( ~~ ...... ~~ ). For example;



3.) Text Justify

To justify a text i.e to make it look well arranged from beginning to the end, use < and then write div give space and write class then use = "text-justify" and close with> which will be at the beginning of your write up and after your write up, you close with </ write div and close with> which ends your write up. For example;




I'm so glad to completed my Achievement 1 - 3 post so far and now am in Achievement 4 which talks about applying markdown styles. Markdown Styles are pattern used to beautify and make write ups very neat and matured.

4.) To Center a text

To centralize, you'll use < then write center and close with>, then write your desired word and then use < / write center and close with >. For example;


How to make a Vanilla Cake .


6 large egg yolks at room temperature
1 cup (8 oz, 224g) sour cream at room temperature, divided
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
2 cups (9 oz, 255g) cake flour
1 1/2 cups (12 oz, 340g) granulated sugar, 1/4 cup separated
3/4 teaspoon baking powder
3/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
1 cup (8 oz, 224g) unsalted butter at room temperature
3 large egg whites at room temperature
1/4 teaspoon cream of tarter

images (3).jpeg

Yours Sincerely,

 3 years ago 

@chukwubuika, you have not completed the task expected of this achievement. I encouraged you apply at least 5 markdown tags. Examples: text alignment, table and align image and text etc.

Feel free to tag me or any Greeter to verified your work.

 3 years ago 

@fombae please I have done the little one I know please verify it🙏🙏