Achievement 3 post by @doyin2005-Assignment: content protocol
Good day steemians. My greetings once again goes to everyone on this wonderful platform. I completed my achievement 2 some days ago and I was very happy when it was verified yesterday. Today, I want to complete my achievement 3 as adviced by @afunkycares and @wilmer1988. So, I will understand the steemit block chain well. I am going to discuss on plagiarism.
What is plagiarism
Plagiarism can be defined as making a replica of another person's ideaor creativity, and presenting it as your own without the owner's permission. It is a very bad habit because it kills the brain of those involved. People who partake in plagiarism will not be able to create ideas on their own. It is a very dishonest act.
Plagiarism is a very bad thing to do, not only on STEEMIT, but in all aspects of life. For example, a college student caught with such act will definitely be rusticated.
Types of plagiarism
There are different types of plagiarism, but the common ones include:
- Direct plagiarism
- Self plagiarism
- Mosaic plagiarism
- Accidental plagiarism
Direct plagiarism
This is when a person forges another person's work, the same way he/she wrote it. Back in my school days, my teacher would call it "copy and paste" because the same thing copied is what was written down. It is a very unethical habit. It is also a foolish and risky act to involve in. People caught in such act are made to face disciplinary punishment.
Self plagiarism
This is when a person submits or present the same thing he/she had submitted on another occasion. For example, if I wrote a composition about my dog in high school and I still submit the same book in college, It is self plagiarism. I also call it self copying. It is also unethical because those involved will not be able to think of fresh ideas.
Mosaic plagiarism
This is when a person copies a phrase, clause, or sentence from a source and writes it in his or her own work without adding quotation marks. This is also a bad thing to do.
Accidental plagiarism
It occurs when a person misquotes or misinterpretes an author's view without citing sources or change their source's word by using a similar word or sentence as the original. This type of plagiarism attracts the same punishment as other types mentioned earlier.
** What is citation**
Citation can be defined as a reference to a source. The source can either be a movie, a book, or the internet. It is sometimes called quotations.
I am very sorry to have plagiarized earlier, I will not repeat itself again, I promise. My appreciation goes to @wilmer1988 and @cryptokannon for putting me back on track. And also to @afunkycares for introducing me to steemit. Much love.
My achievement2-
Greetings Friend @doyin2005, i must inform you that this publication represents a verbatim copy of a digital source, for this reason your post will be hidden for representing digital plagiarism in steemit, I urge you not to continue performing this type of prohibited practices, I invite you to review the achievement 3 of the Newcomers'Community where you will find details about the content policies allowed within the platform.
You must delete all copied publication and make a new unique and 100% original
Original Source
Cc: @endingplagiarism, @endplagiarism04
I am very sorry sir, I will change it ASAP
I have changed it already sir
Please I have changed it already sir, I am sorry to have plagiarized. Please sir
Thanks for making the corrections you can continue with achievement 4.
Remember that achievement 4 does not consist in explaining the codes but in making a publication of a free topic in which you apply the learned codes: Achievement 4 : Applying Markdown
Thank you 😊😊
Hi, @doyin2005,
Your post has been supported by @inspiracion from the Steem Greeter Team.
Hola, amigo! un gusto verte por acá!! buen trabajo en este logro!! este es uno de los más importantes, puesto que el plagio está terminantemente prohibido dentro de la plataforma!!
que te vaya bien.
Yh thanks