Attention: Post your achievements only once and join the club5050/ Atención: Publica tus logros una sola vez y únete al club5050
Hello newcomers. I greet you and welcome you all.
I hope that your arrival and stay in Steemit is a good experience.
The objective of the community of Newcomers is that through a series of tasks the newcomer introduces himself and learns the basic notions necessary to function within the platform.
The Newcomers community wants newcomers to join the Steemit platform, get to know and explore the communities and start posting their content.
It is not necessary to finish all the achievements to start interacting within the platform, there are many guides and support material that will allow you to do things well, as well as many moderators and country and user representatives willing to help.
Because the community needs to be organized and function in the best possible way, it is necessary to meet certain standards for its proper functioning.
The following rules must be followed by users:
Achievements must be published only once.
If your achievement has not been approved you should not republish. You must make the necessary corrections with the greeter who has attended you, and make the edition of your publication.
If your achievement has not been voted on you should not republish it. You must notify it in the publication requesting the achievements that have expired to grant the cash Up vote: Hello Participants of Newcomers Achievement Program: Expired posts..(updated 15/1/2022)
Achievements that are duplicated will be muted as a measure to prevent abuse.
Likewise, we invite newcomers learn to turn on at least half of their rewards and thus begin to be part of the Club5050.
If you have any questions, the Steem Greeters Team is ready to help and guide you through the Newcomers program so that you have a good experience.
Steem Greeters Team.

Hola newcomers. Les saludos y les doy a todos la bienvenida.
Espero que su llegada y estadía en Steemit sea una buena experiencia.
El objetivo de la comunidad de Newcomers es que a través de una serie de tareas el recién llegado se presente y aprenda las nociones básicas necesarias para desenvolverse dentro de la plataforma.
La comunidad de Newcomers desea que los recién llegado se integren a la plataforma de Steemit, que conozcan y exploren las comunidades y empiecen a publicar sus contenidos.
No es necesario terminar todos los logros para empezar a interactuar dentro de la plataforma, existen muchos guías y material de apoyo que les permitirá hacer las cosas bien, así como también existen muchos moderadores y representantes de país y usuarios dispuestos a ayudar.
Debido a que la comunidad necesita ser organizada y funcionar de la mejor manera posible, es necesario cumplir ciertas normas para su buen funcionamiento.
Las siguientes normas deben ser seguidas por los usuarios:
Los logros deben ser publicados solamente una vez.
Si su logro no ha sido aprobado no debe volver a publicarlo. Debe hacer las correcciones necesarias con el greeter que le haya atendido, y hacer la edición de su publicación.
Si su logro no ha sido votado no debe volver a publicarlo. Debe notificarlo en la publicación que solicita los logros que se han vencido para otorgar el voto cash Up: Hello Participants of Newcomers Achievement Program: Expired posts..(updated 15/1/2022)
Los logros que estén repetidos serán silenciados como una medida para evitar el abuso.
Así mismo, invitamos a los recien llegados a que aprendan a encender al menos la mitad de sus recompensas y así empiecen a formar parte del Club5050.
Si usted tiene alguna duda el equipo de Steem Greeters esta dispuesto a ayudarle y a guiarle a través del programa de Newcomers para que usted tenga una buena experiencia.
Steem Greeters Team.
Welcome dear
welcome to steemit continue to post your achievement using this guides
Lists of Achievements by Cryptokannon
You can check out our new community, where quality post must be upvoted before the expire, and give aways might be done monthly
Please Just visit Africa on steemit
Steem Promo Africa
Make posts And subscribe for free
You can join any community you wish using this to link Explore steem communities then you scroll down to community of your choices and subscribe (it's absolutely free)
Felicidades por la información gracias
Muy buena actualización, es necesario enseñar a los usuarios desde el principio a cumplir con las políticas y directrices promovidas por el equipo de Steemit.
Thank you @inspiracion it is well and duly noted. Will do just that
Thanks for the update and I’m happy such situation got noticed.
Imagine doing all the necessary things and your achievement is not verified still?? It happens to many and no greeter even comes to say Hi and so the Steemian knowing that his/her achievement has not been noticed will turn back to repost it.
Ive noticed that most at times people on this platform just seem to comment positive things even when things don’t go well and remediation cannot be made because management thinks all is right.
You will post an achievement task and no greeter will say a word to it for about a month and sometimes you even send the link to suppose comment section and they’ll still not do anything that’s why most people will redo and repost.
My opinion though.
Same thing I have been suffering for almost 20 days now I still have not been verified.
Did you finally get verified?
very good update dear @steemitblog team @inspiracion
Please help me to work by verifying my ID,
You are working very hard and you will get a lot of profit from it .@inspiracion.
Well noted. Thank you. no me lo han verificado y tengo varios días en eso..
Hola soy nueva, que beneficios obtengo con el club5050, podrias explicarme ? @inspiracion
Hola @mariangelscm, esa información puedes verla en detalle en esta publicación:
How to join #club5050 Since you receive your first reward. Step by Step/ Cómo unirse al #club5050 Desde que recibes tu primera recompensa. Paso a paso
Cualquier duda estoy a la orden 😊