Achievement 4 by @ziabutt3836 Task : Applying Markdowns
Markdown Code Guide for Beginners
What is Markdown ?
Headings :
Heading 1
Heading 2
Heading 3
Heading 4
Heading 5
Heading 6
Above Headings are created by following codes
# Heading 1
## Heading 2
### Heading 3
#### Heading 4
##### Heading 5
###### Heading 6
There is another way of creating
- Heading 1
- Heading 2
Heading 1
Heading 2
Above Headings are created by following codesHeading 1
Heading 2
Bold :
To write in bold style you can use ** on both sides of text.
For example
@ziabutt3836 is your well-wisher
Code for above statement is below.
**@ziabutt3836 is your well-wisher**
Italics :
To write in italics style you can use * on both sides of text.
For example
@ziabutt3836 is your well-wisher
Code for above statement is below.
*@ziabutt3836 is your well-wisher*
Strikethrough :
To write in Strikethrough style you can use ~~ on both sides of text.
For example
@ziabutt3836 is your well-wisher
Code for above statement is below.
~~@ziabutt3836 is your well-wisher~~
Center :
To write in Center align style you can use <center> text here </center>
For example
Code for above statement is below.
<center>@ziabutt3836 is your well-wisher</center>
Justify Text :
During writing an essay or a Steemit post, justify is nice looking format of writing. For example, this paragraph is not justified that's why it is not attracting the eyes of reader. But when put justify code for this paragraph then it looks nice. Following paragraph is justified.
<div class="text-justify">This is a justified paragraph that's why it is looking nice. We should use justify style for writing a post on steemit or writing an essay elsewhere. I write justify code below for your guidance. Remember me in your prayers.</div>
List :
You can use *
to create a list
- List 1
- List 2
- List 3
*List 1
*List 2
*List 3
Alignment of Text into two columns:
If you need to align text in two different columns then you use following method for your text alignment.
Subscript :
If you want write text or numbers below baseline then You can use <sub> text or number here </sub>
C2H .
SuperScript :
If you want to write text or numbers above the baseline then You can use the <sup>text or numbers</sup>
Links :
Often we need to add many links in our steemit post for example our username or any web address or source of any data.
- When we add a steemit username, along with its @, the name becomes clickable. i.e. @ziabutt3836
- Link is automatically recognized and is clickable i.e. > >
- We can hide a link in a word or phrase, using the below syntax
[Zia profile](
Output Zia profile
Table :
If you want to insert a table in your post you should follow following format and add as many Headers and Cells you need.
Header 1 | Header 2
--------- | ----------
Cell 1 | Cell 2
Header 1 | Header 2 |
Cell 1 | Cell 2 |
Quotes :
If you want to write a statement which is not yours or a Quote or phrase that someone said. Use > before statement.
> "Knowledge is power.”
― Sir Francis Bacon
"Knowledge is power.”
― Sir Francis Bacon
Images Alignment :
Image Left Align :

** Code**
<div class="pull-left">
Image Left Align :

<div class="pull-right">
Image Center Align :

Gifs :

Videos :
You only copy and paste the youtube video URL in your post to add a video in your post.
Or upload your video on steemit.
Code for above video
Special thanks goes to @cryptokannon for developing this wonderful task and @hassanabid , @haidermehdi , @rashid001 for their guidance and @steemcurator01 , @steemcurator02 , @steemcurator03 for their support.
Congratulations on getting successfully verified over Achievement 4 best of luck for next Achievement.
What is achievement 5 ??
Here's the guide to Achievement 5