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RE: Crypto-19

in OCD5 years ago

Good Day @tarazkp, my dad always said things like a penny saved is a penny earned, in God we trust, others pay cash, always keep a nest egg and pay cash for everything...he never used credit, just refused to pay interest. The only note he ever carried was a construction loan to build his house on property that was bought with cash. He said if you don't have the cash, you do without it until you save enough cash. Tough guy, very disciplined.
After he passed away, (still miss him so much), my brothers and sisters and I were blown away by the amount of "cash" that was just hidden in the house, never mind his actual bank accounts. This from a man who barely graduated high school, ran his own paving business , had seven children and left his family a bundle.
I tell my kids all the time, if you don't 'NEED' it, don't buy it, save your money, you never know when it's going to rain.


When it came to money, your dad set a great example for all of us.

My dad was something alright, still miss him.