Why Am I Still Here? Initiative | Steemit, my favorite place in the world.

in OCD5 years ago (edited)

There are times in life when you think you have learned everything, especially when at a certain age of maturity new things come along, new worlds, and you thought the road was complete. It happened to me when I met Steemit.

Friendships that Steemit gives you. | Photo by @sacra97 authorized for this publication.

Maybe before, life went by among every day and very simple things, things that provided the necessary emotion to live in a normal way, until this platform, this moment came into my life.

Knowing Steemit has been a radical change for me, not only because in the beginning, everything revolved around making money from writing content.

When I started I didn't know anything about this art, I was just another amateur, however, this platform opened my arms giving me to know beautiful and special people, people who, with their knowledge, we're always willing to help me grow and advance, those people and what is Friendship, is the true meaning of being here.

Many storms have passed (and many more are missing, I'm sure), but I firmly believe in this network and its people, the value of Steemit is in us, in that spirit and that desire to do things right, to keep learning and growing, to turn our feelings, experiences, and emotions into a keyboard every day, knowing that it will reach the eyes and hearts of many people.

I am grateful to live for having brought me here, at first I did not believe in all that I believe and defend today, I am grateful that it brought me many valuable and wonderful people who accompany me not only in this art but in everyday situations because in Steemit I got many friends who are family, who feel and feel close to you.

My favorite place.

Why am I still in Steemit? I continue and will continue despite the storms because Steemit is more than a net, it is a huge ocean where you learn to swim hand in hand with others who offer you their friendship, valuable people who inspire you to be better. I am still here because Steemit is in my veins.

After all, I no longer see myself without Steemit, because my life took a beautiful turn and here I see my future reflected, the dream of knowing that, when I am no longer sailing in these waters, someone will know about me and this feeling through my words.

Thanks to @theycallmedan for this opportunity to express ourselves and always contribute positively to the development of this platform and the people who make life on it.

Steemit is the best place in the world.


Thank you for taking the time for this reading.

The signature of PHC is creation of @zord189 for personal use in my publications.


Animated banner created by @zord189



Asi nos volvamos locas de tanto, pero se pasa muy bien aqui.....

Demasiado bien, jajajaja, es nuestra vida misma. Gracias por ser, estar y pasar a visitarme, amiga bella. Te abrazo con cariño! @zhanavic69

saludos, buen material @tipu curate

Gracias, hermosa! Un abrazo! @kcguillen2

A great publication full of emotion and love for Steem. Greetings and a big hug, @maribellrg!

Es así amiga @marybellrg nos encanta Steem y Steemit.

Así es @marybellrg la pasamos muy bien en nuetsra segunda casa. Un abrazo

Nuestro mejor espacio, nuestro mejor entusiasmo y a seguir aunque se queden los platos sucios mientras publicamos y nos divertimos con gente maravillosa que brinda tanto entusiasmo a todo lo que hacen ja, ja, @marybellrg

Our best space, our best enthusiasm and to follow even if the dirty dishes remain while we publish and have fun with wonderful people who provide so much enthusiasm to everything they do ha ha ha @marybellrg

Asi es, mi bella, kugar para la amistad y el cariño sincero, el apoyo y la alegría, esa foto de la portada denota todo el sentimiento hermoso que nos ha regalado Steemit. Te abrazo y te quiero inmenso, gracias por visitarme y apoyarme siempre, mi @sacra97

Un post muy agradable, lleno de entusiasmo y pasión
por Steemit.
Un abrazo

Publicación curada manualmente por Club12

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I am so glad that you found your way here and that your getting the most out of this experience. There is a lot of bad out there, but if you give it a chance, the good will rise up and we will find each other and help each other. Love the story!!

Estoy muy contento de que hayas encontrado tu camino aquí y de que estés aprovechando al máximo esta experiencia. Hay muchas cosas malas por ahí, pero si le das una oportunidad, lo bueno se levantará y nos encontraremos y ayudaremos mutuamente. Me encanta la historia!