McAfee supporting our Movement? holy fuck

in OCD4 years ago

Seems like we gain a lot of interest accross the twitter crypto community and as it turns out, it may be the best thing that happened to this chain(at least in terms of marketing and exposure), regardless of how retarded it may sound.
If we restore our governance i believe we have bright future ahead.

Some intereseting faces started supporting our "movement" while simultaneously adding additional pressure towards centralized exchanges that participated in this attack.

You have probably heard about support provided by Andreas, Dan, Vitalik etc, however most recently John Mcafee himself tweeted about steem community, actually emphasizing that you can not buy the community, simbolically added: "It's like trying to collect water with a sieve"

I guess we ain't another shit project to be messed with. In case you haven't been on twitter for the last couple of days, you might reconsider that decision and help STEEM strive.

Oh yeah, as @mindtrap wrote, KuCoin suggested adding steem to their exchange, due to a high interest community showed in resisting the attack, actually proving to be the most vibrant crypto community out there. We currently have 7 consensus witnesses and i hope the number will continue on growing.
I think binance, huobi are on shaky ground, that what happens when you interfeere with out governance. Fuck you!


Yep, this might end up as something big. We will see

 4 years ago Reveal Comment