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RE: Sleeping through life

in OCD5 years ago

While reading your post a thought came to me that your writing serves a therapeutic purpose to you as well. It's like journaling. In fact, because you write from your own heart about what's bothering you it is probably an online journal.

Have you tried writing your posts by hand in a notebook first? I can say from experience it's very relaxing and helps me reduce the time of looking at the screen.


Definitely help me. Hopefully it is a win win though.

I used to write freehand and actually have considered doing it again and posting images of the words, rather than type. I might trial it and tag you in the first as I have an account and an idea. :)

If you do this, I might follow your example because that's what I was thinking about for 5 months...

I will try to organise it for the weekend =)