
Thanks man! I managed to play catch up these last couple of days, I think I might be back to the red line again in a couple of weeks if I can stay fit!

I tried an ice bath once and thought that was the end... Horrendous haha 😂

But I may make more use of the foam roller I have

2020Ks is a lot of running, I think my natural amount would put me around 1500Ks in the year.

Ice baths for half yr body, not too bad, I say ice baths, I really mean cold with as much ice as I had in the freezer, which isn't quite the same thing.

I should use my foam roller more often, but I don't enjoy the pain!

Yea it's definitely a lot more than I first anticipated! Considering I've only run maybe a max of 400 miles in training for a marathon before in 2012, it's pretty much 3x what I've run/hiked!

I did try a really cold bath one time and couldn't even get my legs under haha!

One of my physio friends recommends not rolling back and forth across the muscle but to find the belly of the muscle and then just hold the position for 5 minutes and "relax" into it... Relax in to it... Swear these guys are sordid 🙂

I've just checked what I've done so far on Strava - averge of 25Ks ish a week, and that would only have me at 1300 by the end of the year!

2020 is a lot of KM in a year.

That 2020 goal isn't for me, I think it might even be detrimental to my primary goal of getting my 5K time down.

I might try that with the foam roller!

Damn, why did you need to remind me 😂

I also would love to do a sub 20 minutes 5km run if possible but not whilst doing this challenge, the faster runs I find make me more prone to injury so it's just purely about distance in this challenge.

If I get across that line then I could focus on that time target!

You do have to be careful with running faster, I tend to take 20 minutes to get up to pace, so a very long warm up.

I just find that longer runs wear my legs down, I think I'm better off with intervals. Had the treadmill up to 17KPH today for my final 400 metres, quite happy with that!

Although it's still 3-4KPH slower than the marathon world record.

Yea that is a long warm up. Is that after a few stretches or do you just go straight in to it?

I could probably jog for a lot longer at a slower pace as I have done with marathons but I do have another goal of running one under 4 hours... Failed 5 times so far but am gearing up for one in 2021 with a couple of friends hopefully!

Good job on the final speed there! Intervals can be good fun but yes, when you realise that you're slower than world record holders even for a short burst vs their 42kms... You really appreciate just how fit these athletes are!

I do 'dynamic stretches' beforehand, I don't even stretch or foam roller after TBH, I do yoga a few times a week though.

While i fancy the idea of a marathon, it's really not my thing, I like walking long distances, not running so much these days.

If I'm going over 10Ks I find it hard to get out of bed that day.

You should try some longer intervals for your marathon training and less of the pounding out the miles, it might work!

Those athletes - very impressive.