RE: Sleeping through life
Yoga in the pure form works for all. Yoga is not about any postures or distorted shapes. It has be learnt from very renowned and well trained person that is why it is must to have the Guru. These days Yoga is totally distorted and big institutions have changed it totally. You can see very strange things like Beer Yoga, Cold Yoga on the internet and people are mad about them. Yoga has lost its meaning completely in the west. But in India, it is still alive in pure form and csn be learnt through a Guru. But so called Godman have done a great harm to it and this is reason it doesn't work for some people because the ones who teach it, they really don't know the pure form and how it works. I only recommend you atleast you should try to find a good master and understand the true philosophy behind it then you will be able to grasp what your Guru will give you. The only difficult thing is to find a Guru or master in this time.
Yup very true. I have read the J Krishnamurti a lot and he says that we all will be liberated and find the salvation. But that time comes in a million Years. If we can wait for that much time and go on suffer it is alright. But who knows when will this time come. Through Yoga you can know your true-self or what he has called as you are the guru, you are the master. We all are the same at the level of consciousness. The only difference is the extent to which one is aware of.