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RE: COVID-19: Liberty vs. Safety and Security

in OCD4 years ago

I appreciate you letting me know you found this post to be of some value to you @hardaeborla.

"I just hope everything will just get better and we are gonna be okay and always remember to always #staysafe."

There is hope. And then there is reality. Sadly, for many of us around the world, when the day arrives that we clearly see the "reality gap" between what has been promised and what has been delivered, we will all be talking about the "new normal" in our "Post COVID" world.

Perhaps, at that time, we'll be asking some hard questions, like "What happened?" I hope, for many, this post will serve to at least get people thinking about what is actually coming vs. what we are being "promised" ...

Thank you for investing your time in adding value to this post!