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RE: COVID-19: Liberty vs. Safety and Security

in OCD4 years ago

Excellent analogy @lanzjoseg ...

"And it is that of dominoes falling and hitting the next one, but with the detail that has not yet reached the last piece."

... as that captures well what I have referred to as unintended (?) consequences. The "Almighty" State can never successfully replace a free market system where we as individuals are at liberty to enter in to mutually beneficial transactions. If the State intervenes, there are inevitable "winners" and "losers" instead. The result? A domino effect, as people change their behavior to avoid being in the "loser" category - an unnatural place to be ...

"... it is possible that you can lose your life for other reasons that are not linked to covid-19 ..."

Exactly right. While I do not pretend to be wise enough to know, I am very concerned, as I write in my post, about the damaging impact of the response to COVID-19 across the world exceeding the damage caused by the pandemic itself.

Succintly stated, we are all being affected by the response. Some of us will also contract COVID-19 ...

Thank you for investing your time in adding value to this post!