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RE: Insert steem-destroyer here: A post about commenting and other things

in OCD5 years ago

An excellent post. It’s such an easy thing to destroy one’s own reputation here, and yet it’s much more rewarding both financially and emotionally to just avoid doing that.

If there are misunderstandings or differences between. Steemians they should dealt with the comments.
There are people talking about auto downvoting people just because heir downvote percentage is 100%. Surely, it would be best saved for bad actors, spammers, etc.

I have never understood why you’d invest heavily in something financially and then not want to have a positive return on your investment. I took what you said at the meeting onboard and have started implementing it and my commenting has increased drastically.

One time I did get involved with a comment flagging war but I could see it start to lower my reputation score. It was then that I decided to focus more on creating content and finding a community of people I liked and supporting them where I could.


Yeah, it doesn't make much sense I guess, but sometimes people hate themselves so much that that hate spills over and out of the decayed vessels that are their mind and hearts...That's when the hate reaches others.

Still, letting that outpouring of hate out doesn't negate it within.

Thanks for commenting.


Thanks for replying and for the engage tokens. They seem to be worth a little something on Steem-Engine.

I have seen a lot of people with potential go down that dark path and destroy their influence here.
But I have always taken a slow and steady approach, well until now, where I am going to be a bit more focused on building this account up. :)

We all know what happened to Anakin Skywalker when he followed the darkside. Lol.


Yeah, build it bro. Engagement will help you do that. You're welcome for the tokens too. I kinda like handing them out. Makes me feel like that uncle everyone has who always hands out money when he comes over.

It's OK...
I have the high ground.

@shaidon you have received 50 ENGAGE from @galenkp!
View and trade the tokens on Steem Engine.

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I never understand those flagwars. If a misunderstanding pops up, isn't it just better to mute each other until you settle your differences? Or better yet, just ignore each other.

Tell me, can I mute the downvotes? All I can mute is the awareness of who is attacking us.

Just the awareness but that's something that should be considered in the next fork. Perhaps reserve the right to allow certain people vote on your posts.

These were white supremacists who wouldn't see reason and just started attacking me. Eventually I just got sick of their nonsense and decided that I could make more money by actually creating great content.