
Oh no! That’s such a shame but I understand while things are so iffy. I know you’ll keep us posted so looking forward to hearing more

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Yeah, I'm disappointed after the work that's been put in 😕
But everything is in place to get going again once we can.

Such a shame. I will probably be in Leicester that weekend anyway if anyone wants to meet up. We can wave at a distance if you feel that is safest :)

Yeah, I was a bit gutted after all the work since last August to get it in place, but happy that I didn't do even more and then it was cancelled!I thought about mentioning a more informal meet-up as we will have 100% more Steemians in Leicester than usual, but decided it was better to wait until a bit nearer the time and see what's happening.
We've got the groundwork to move ahead, which is good.

Oh good, I'd double booked myself!

Not that i'll be able to make it to the thing I already had booked anyway, but there you go!

That sounds complicated!
I'm sorry not to see folks, but we can do it again another time - if you're not already in Portugal or a layby somewhere 😀

Such a decision is hard to make, but it's for the best. It seems the team of the dTube Forum (planned for mid May in Hamburg) are having thoughts in that direction as well.

Perhaps you could organize a "virtual meet-up" of some kind?

Yeah, I think things will become clearer as time passes and we'll know what's possible. I'm more sorry for all the small businesses - this will be devastating to so many of them.