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RE: The Lego wing cat

in OCD5 years ago

I see you've segregated all the Legos for different sections of the Mack... very clever of you. I'll be keeping and eye on the next update, soon!

Also, employing a wing-cat may prove prudent, since you never know what tricks these Legos can do to put a human down. Send my fuzzy regards to Cleo the Cat :-)


Each stage comes in numbered bags so in the case of this post you are looking at all the 2 bags opened and separated into the trays by bag. It makes it easier to follow the instructions to not have to rifle through a whole bunch of parts all thrown in together. Besides, I'm a little ocd so this works in that regard also.

Smart having a wing-cat huh? I don't know, sometimes I just come up with the best things! :)

Indeed you do think of the best things :-)

My greatest mistake of building Legos in the past is not organising them well enough. I remembered cutting open the plastic bags, to then simply dump them in separate piles, but close enough to one another that they'll overlap. Those were some tedious times, having to find that one small piece...

Oh yes, that's never going to end well typically. Keep them in their bag-groups and you'll know where to go to grab each thing rather than having to sift through all parts. Live and learn I guess right?