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RE: Thoughts and Questions about Winter, Inflation, Homelessness, and Andrew Yang

in OCD5 years ago

UBI could be useful if everyone takes it and exits into crypto. Then the wealth transfer begins and everyone begins to understand that what has happened with QE the last several decades is a massive theft into the 10's of trillions. Truth is we never really needed UBI. We only think we do because we are unaware of the massive theft perpetrated by kleptocrats.

If we don't extinct ourselves first due to excessive centralization, one day 3D printers will be like Star Trek replicators. Once this happens, money will be obsolete. Then the issue becomes zoning. Money control by the bankers and politicians is really about what is allowed to exist and where.


... what has happened with QE the last several decades is a massive theft into the 10's of trillions.

This is entirely glossed over. And the vast majority of it went, directly if indirectly, to a tiny elite, much smaller than the 1% figure we see so often.