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RE: In's and Outs Of Communities. What’s changed!? What the least you need to know!?

in SteemPeak5 years ago

Thank you for writing this @eco-alex and providing us the benefit of your experience. For the "part timers" such as myself, all of these changes can leave us with a sense of bewilderment as to "which trail" to follow.

Fractured across so many different possibilities, it is both exciting. And somewhat frustrating ... For a simple example, would we want to be in a community called "Eco Train?" Or one called "Eco Zone?" Or both ... Or ... 😉

Bookmarked and resteemed.


haha! absolutely. i think the easy answer is both.. spread yourself around, meet new people.. theres always different things you'll find in each community.. i really want to see many communities come alive, and not just one or two.. it gets really boring that way!..