Instagram giveaway Captions to use in your next Instagram giveaway

in Project HOPE4 years ago

Apart from being an amazing social media platform to share your daily photos, Instagram has become an awesome advertising tool too! Today, most of the brands, agencies, companies and also individual marketers use Instagram to grow their business and get more attractions. In this way, there are some things they can do to attract more people. One of these things is the Instagram Loop Giveaway! Instagram giveaways let you find more followers and help people try and know your products. But as you may know, captions have an important role in whatever you are posting. So, in the following, we will mention some best Instagram giveaway captions to help you get more attractions. Keep reading to find them out!

If you don’t have time to read further, you can simply Sign Up on AiSchedule hitting the following button, and automatically generate your giveaway caption.

Why is it necessary to use the Instagram giveaway captions?

Undoubtedly, captions are really important on Instagram. Whenever the internet connection is poor, people can read your captions and know what you have shared. So, Instagram giveaway captions can help you inform people about what you are sharing.

But apart from this, these captions will help you with more things. For example:

  • You can clear up the contest rules
  • You can specify the gifts you are offering
  • Help people understand what they have to do exactly

And much more than this. Hence, Instagram giveaway captions must be an inseparable part of your Instagram giveaway posts! But how must be an Instagram giveaway? What information should it contain? Let’s find out!

How should an Instagram giveaway caption be like?

When you are running an Instagram contest, you need to share some important information in the caption box to make everything as clear as possible. Actually, your Instagram giveaway caption must contain:

  • The contest rules, such as the number of people that users must tag, who to follow, and other conditions you have defined to help people enter the contest
  • The prizes you are willing to give people
  • The value of prizes

And also the reason or the occasion of the contest.

An important thing you can share in your caption or on the first comment is giveaway hashtags that will let you make more people enter your contest and engage with your page. Now, let’s see some of the best Instagram giveaway captions that can be used.

Top 20 Instagram giveaway captions

Now, we are going to see some of the most successful Instagram giveaway captions that have led to success. Actually, there are different types of giveaway captions that you can use, and in the following, we will discuss their general forms and give some examples. So, keep reading to get better results.

Tag friends contest

One of the most common Instagram giveaway captions that can be used is to ask your followers to tag their friends. Actually, one of the essential conditions of these contests must be the necessity of not tagging celebrities and business pages.

The winner of this type of contest is the person who has tagged more people. However, note that in this case, you will have much to do in order to find the winner, cause you need to count and check all the tagged people!

In the picture above, you can see a sample of this type of giveaway caption that just has some limitations on the people who are tagged!

Tag and Follow giveaway captions

Another good sample of Instagram giveaway captions is the one that asks people to follow your and other accounts you are concerned with, and tag some of their friends. Just like the previous one, here you can set no limitations on the number of tagged people. However, here you can be more confident that the number of your followers will increase.

In the picture below, you can see an example of this type of Instagram giveaway caption. Also, you can click here to see the original post on Instagram.

Tag, Like, and Follow contest

Apart from the conditions you set on the previous contest type, you can force people to like your post in order to enter the giveaway. Here, besides the number of your followers, you will grow your Instagram engagement rate, which results in more attractions and popularity.

Here is an example of this one:

Tag, Follow, Like, and comment giveaway captions

Obviously, this is a level-up for the previous giveaway caption type that we have discussed. Using this type, your Instagram engagement rate increases more than the others. That happens because you also ask the people who participate, to write a comment below your post! Here is an example that has been done by @ashleyhawmakeup:

Follow, tag, like, and repost caption

In this one, apart from the things you ask people to do on the previous samples, you will ask them to reshare your post on their story or feed! This will definitely help you with attracting more people because it can somehow be interpreted as a word-of-mouth marketing strategy. So, your contest will have a better chance of success! Here is an example by @BooksWithBean:

Using your special hashtag

Besides the above methods, you can increase your brand’s awareness by using a hashtag specific to your brand. You can ask the participants to use that hashtag in their comments, posts or stories. This way, your brand will be introduced to the new audience by that hashtag and your page will grow by this aspect.

How to generate Instagram giveaway captions automatically?

As you know, when you are running an Instagram loop giveaway, you have to share some specific content on some Instagram pages repeatedly. Actually, writing down the same caption for each post on each account can take a lot of time. Moreover, as humans are not flawless beings, repeating an action may cause some errors. Hence, it is better to use an Instagram tool that automatically generates captions for all your posts. In the following, we introduce an Instagram-based platform that will almost automate the process of creating Instagram giveaway captions and helps you with the time-consuming considerations.


One of the best platforms you can use in order to get better results in your Instagram giveaways is AiSchedul. AiSchedul is an Instagram management tool that will give you a wide range of features to perform intellectually. Some of the best features of this platform are as follows:

  • Schedule posts and stories
  • Repost content
  • Download Instagram stories and lives
  • Auto-respond comments
  • Create all-in-one links

And also create and share giveaway posts.

Actually, AiSchedul has a Post & Reward feature that gives you the ability to schedule your giveaway posts and send them simultaneously to all the accounts that the post must be shared on!

One of the most amazing features of this platform is its caption generator. Actually, when you are creating your posts on AiSchedul, you can enter the necessary information that is used in your rules in the box shown on the following image, and the caption will be generated and shared automatically. Also, if you are not satisfied with the general caption form, you can change it.

Moreover, as you can see in the picture, AiSchedul lets you inform the winners that they have won the prize automatically. So, open the AiSchedul website and sign up for free.

AiSchedul coupon code

You can use the SAVE10B discount code on your first purchase to get 10% off on all the packages. The code will be expired by the end of 2021.


In this article, we talked about the points that you should consider in your giveaway caption. Also, we discussed some successful examples to see different types of giveaways. More importantly, we introduced the AiSchedul platform that helps you in automatically generating giveaway captions and also, organizing the giveaway. Using this platform, you will save a lot of time, and most of the steps will be automatically organized.