Financial Education - Responsibility cooperation commitment and solidarity as values of the tax culture

in Project HOPE3 months ago

Among the values of the tax culture, we can highlight responsibility, cooperation, commitment and solidarity. In this sense, responsibility as a civic value is related to the obligations that must be complied with and that have repercussions on society.

Source ( comeniusviolaproject )

In this sense, this value emphasizes the fulfillment of tax obligations by taxpayers, with the purpose of undertaking actions that contribute to benefits for society.

Cooperation as a citizen value based on contributing to the support of the State and the development of the country by fulfilling their duties and exercising their tax rights is the main way for citizens to participate.

Commitment as a value implies, in addition to compliance with the laws by citizens, performing actions that benefit society and contribute to development and collective welfare.

Source ( aleteia )

The value of solidarity is put into practice when citizens carry out concrete actions to respond favorably to the needs of their group and fellow citizens. On the other hand, based on an adaptation of some approaches, the reactive and proactive attitudes of contributors are described.

Transformational leadership and contextual performance
are the main factors that most influence organizational culture.

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