Financial Education - Execution as a decisive phase of the audit process

in Project HOPE3 months ago

The execution phase within the audit process is aimed at obtaining evidence and formulating observations with their respective recommendations, solutions and alternatives on the audited areas and processes, approved in the audit plan under the methodology of the operational program.

Source ( istockphoto )

This is achieved through the execution of tests under the application of various techniques and tools. All tools used should be such that sufficient, competent and relevant evidence is obtained to demonstrate the relevance of the criteria identified in the previous phase.

However, sometimes, as a result of changes in the development of the audit, and taking into account that it is a logical and flexible process, the defined procedures may be insufficient or unnecessary to achieve the established objectives, being necessary to incorporate additional aspects that modify the scope or nature of the original planning.

With respect to the observations that arise as a result of the comparison between the condition and criteria, the auditor must identify the causes that generate them and their immediate or mediate effects, as well as their quantitative economic and financial estimate, as appropriate, including the real and potential impacts.

Source ( e-qms )

This information contributes effectively to guide the responsible officers on the corrective measures to be implemented to avoid their repetition, improve management and achieve their objectives. During the development of this phase, sufficient, relevant and competent evidence must be obtained under the procedures and practices defined during the planning phase of the audit.

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