Looking for PASSIVE INCOME ? NO TIME FOR MANUAL CURATION? Sign in to new steemauto and follow our curation trail TODAY!

in Project HOPE4 years ago (edited)

Hello Everyone,

In this post, I am going to talk about the curation trail for PH-fund which is a curation account of Project Hope. I have also shared the link to the curation trail below:


What is a Curation Trail

By using this service, you can automatically upvote any post on the Steem platform. For Example; if you follow the PH-Fund account trail, whenever this ph-fund account will upvote any post, the same will be upvoted by your account as well. This works only to upvote posts and not comments. You can configure the upvote weight using the option provided, in which I will explain further.

Benefits of a Curation Trail

Curation rewards are one of the important parts of the platform, and with the trail, it works automatically and brings curation with zero effort. Following trails not only helps us earn curation rewards but it also saves time and effort.

How to Use Curation Trail

It's a very easy process and I am going to explain it here:

First, you need to go to (https://steemdb.online/) and select Register option

Screenshot 20200808 at 9.45.07 PM.png

In this window, click on "continue" and go to the next page where you need to enter your Steem login credentials.

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Enter the login credentials in the window.


You will be redirected to this page, post login and here you need to select the Curation trail option.

Screenshot 20200808 at 10.06.17 PM.png

After selecting the curation trail you can search for the trail. I did search for ph-fund and this is what you can see as a result. Click on the Follow button and it's done.

Screenshot 20200808 at 10.15.44 PM.png

Now you can use the setting options to make the changes from default.


There are two options to set-up the weight of your vote. The first is the scale and another is fixed. You can choose one as your choice but if you are new to the curation trail then I suggest you go with a fixed voting weight.

I have shared all about the curation trail and steps to follow. I have tried to cover all information but if in case you have any questions about it then please do ask in comments.

Here is a snapshot of the top 5 curation trails on the Steem platform and PH-fund is on the top. More follower means more rewards to the post and certainly more curation.

Screenshot 20200808 at 10.54.38 PM.png

Why is it worth joining this particular curation trail

  • You get better curation reward with PH curation trail as it's set-up in a way to get increased curation rewards for followers. After your upvote would be placed, a large one from @project.hope will follow. Project.hope has right now almost 250k SP

  • By following it, you will support several very active and engaging content creators, publishing within Project Hope Community

  • On top of that this curation trail does focus on users, who are growing their accounts instead of powering down and dumping rewards. They promote mostly authors following @NeverPowerDown Policy.

I would like to mention that it's important to set a limit on your voting mana (Option provided on the dashboard) to ensure that it wouldn't ever drain your voting power. Its suggested to keep it at around 85-90%


This PH-fund curation trail aims to support original content creators and those who are committed to the platform and not powering down. The Project Hope team works to add value onto the Steem platform. We are supporting authors so that they stay long term and in-turn that will help Steem to grow.

The PH-fund curation trail is organized in a very unique way. After all the upvotes are placed by those who follow this curation trail, then strong upvotes from @project-hope accounts follow as well. This way everyone who participates will place his/hers upvotes before this large one, which increases received curation rewards (non-linear reward curve)

Over 400 members have already trusted the PH-fund curation trail founded by @project.hope. I highly recommend you to follow and become a part of this amazing community

Direct link to follow PH-FUND Curation Trail


I would be glad if you would consider resteem-ing this post as your support will help to reach it more people

Thank you so much

Know more about PH: https://www.projecthope.pl/




Thank you for this post @alokkumar121

For those who may be interested: our project is also running curation trail on HIVE (named also: ph-fund)

Yours, @crypto.piotr
@project.hope founder

cc: @steemitblog, @steemcurator01, @steemcurator02, @steemcurator03, @steemcurator04, @steemcurator05, @steemcurator06, @steemcurator07 - hope I can count on your upvote (help us get into trending page, to bring more visibility to this post).

I got your message in discord and I am not very active on that blockchain, so this was a perfect solution.

Hi @shortsegments
We would be happy to have your support on our curation trail. Thanks.

Hi @alokkumar

I want to support Project Hope and I think it’s a win-win situation.

Take Care,


By the way, your very active, have you considered being a Country Curator?

Hi @shortsegments

Sorry for late reply. I don't know more about this country curator program.


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I just followed your trail and am making new posts myself still most days on Steem! I would love for you to drop by sometimes on my posts!

Hi @jerrybanfield

Thanks for following the trail and I would love to go through your posts. Thanks again for your support. Have a great weekend

I do not doubt that their path is to support good writers but I also tell them that they are not doing well, and I am going to prove it with a photo


That is the efficiency of your votes to other people which is 61%

And this photo that I am going to put is mine voting too


As you can see, it is 85%, this means that they are voting badly and out of time, and it also means that any account below 1000sp does not gain anything by voting on their trail, I would advise you to change the time, and you would win the double what it says, and it is more this same I said in a private comment by discord, I hope this observation will be of great help

 4 years ago 

Dear @apoloo1

I appreciate your comment, however I trully do not know what are you trying to prove.

It's quite obvious that manual curation will never bring similar % APR to fully-automatized curation where main focus IS NOT to support quality content with solid upvotes, but instead main focus would be to maximize curation rewards.

Now let me ask you a question:

  • assuming that you would auto-upvote posts right on 5th minute since there were published (obviously without even reading it), adding to your auto-upvote list those accounts which usually attract large votes -> what would you achieve?

Surely you would get little extra $$ and you would end up benefiting yourself. But what value would such an auto-upvoting bring to STEEM or HIVE? My answer is: no value at all.

You're focusing on VERY WRONG thing. Instead of having mindset of bringing value to blockchain, your focus is: how can I earn. Your priority isn't to help others, but to focus on your own rewards. Which is cool. But this is not what we're trying to achieve here.

If your goal is to earn as much as you can, then try dlease.io -> you will quickly realize that by leasing your SP you can make so much more than those 85%.

I would advise you to change the time, and you would win the double what it says, and it is more this same I said in a private comment by discord, I hope this observation will be of great help

I wish to understand your suggestion. Change the time? Meaning?

To wrap it up:
Our curation trail is created in a way that may not be financially the most profitable, however those upvotes are used to support quality content creators. Focusing mostly on users who are NOT POWERING DOWN and dumping all rewards on the market. Or goal is to support authors which we consider valuable, instead of focusing on short term gains (slighly higher curation rewards).

Yours, Piotr

Hey man, great post, was gonna give up on steemit but got to know about project hope and it gave me hope (pun intended) on this platform. Great piece and have resteemed your post

I am glad you didn’t give up. Please check out the Steemitblog for details on receiving upvotes from steemcurator on daily diary type posts.

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Very good tutorial on how to follow the voting trail of the ph-fund account, in particular I am already following this voting trail, however I consider this post relevant for everyone who does not yet know how to join. Greetings and thanks for this post.

Glad to know that you already follow. Thanks.

@alokkumar121, i am already following up on the ph-fund curation trial.
Great post you made. I think i love this tutorial.
I have also resteemed it.

Thank you so much @talktofaith
Glad to know that you follow already and appreciate your kind words and resteem

As a follower of @followforupvotes this post has been randomly selected and upvoted! Enjoy your upvote and have a great day!

Hello excellent publication, I already follow this path, it would be great if many people were to us!

Glad that you like it. Thanks much.

It’s an essential tool if you’ve gone on vacation, are sick, or don’t have time for some period. If you set it up well, for example, to only reduce your voting power to the 70 percent limit, you can also do manual votes whenever you wish. I've been using it for a long time.
😎 🏝 🚴

Thats great @deathcross
Appreciate your support to PH.

This is an excellent post that provides useful information and guidance re the great feature that is the curation trail. I'm sure many will find this helpful.

Thank you so much for you valuable words @majes.tytyty