How to REPLACE iPhone 5s battery
Battery has a lifespan of 3 years, depending on the manufacturer, but sometimes not intended it suddenly became weak and damaged due to different circumstances, for a reason we want to replace it and buy a new one, i recommend to buy on reliable and original product to avoid further damaged to your device.
- Battery swollen
- Battery drained easily
- LCD frame lifted
Tools Needed

- Tweezer
- Screw ★ 0.8
- Screw + 1.5
- Plastic picks
- Sim Card ejector
- iPhone 5s Brand new battery
- Removed the sim tray by the sim tool ejector.
- Fully turn off your device.
- Remove the two screw at the bottom (encircled) by Screw ★ 0.8 tool.
- Carefully lift the LCD frame by plastic pick tool.
- Don't pull to hard, see the finger print scanner and home button flex (encircled) might be damaged if lifted too much.
- Remove the metal frame of the finger print scanner and home button flex by tweezer, then carefully remove the connector.
- Carefully lift the whole frame, now you will see the swollen battery.
- Remove the two screw (encircled) by Screw + 1.5 tool.
- Carefully remove the metal frame by tweezer.
- Place the screw accordingly NOTE: do not swap or changed different screw slot, you must memorized where you take out the screw, when you bring it back, the screw must be place to where it was taken.
- Remove the battery connector by plastic pick.
- Remove the battery NOTE: original battery has a adhesive underneath be carefull while removing.
- After removing the old battery, now place the brand new battery.
- You can turn it on to test if it is working, then fully turn it off and assemble it back, go with the procedure backward.
- Notice that the LCD frame lift is gone, and the battery runs ok now.
- Enjoy your new battery for your iPhone 5s, NOTE: the old battery MUST follow the proper waste disposal.
WARNING: This is done by a technician, i am not responsible to any damage of your device if there is a hidden defect prior to the problem.
Wow! I really thought the battery was actually in built making it very difficult to remove not knowing it's as easy as this. But on a serious note, I really dislike dismantling my smartphone most especially if it happens to be an expensive type like this.
Thanks for sharing this great post with love from @hardaeborla and I hope you have a great day ahead
its hard from the start but if you practice it is easy as 1 2 3, have a great day too and your family
Thanks for the lovely reply 💕💖❤️
It is a great explanation but since I am not a technician and I do not posses any of this equipments,I would rather just take the phone to a certified technician.
thank you, atleast now you have an idea how its done.