Stop Wishful ThinkingsteemCreated with Sketch.

in Project HOPE2 years ago

You'll notice that the poorer people in the society are always more wishful than practical, in their thinking and actions. Instead of working out a good plan that will take you from your current state to where you want to be; most people will rather be wishing that things get better without a plan.


The laws of the universe are straight forward in many ways. If you want your situation to change, then you have to make a change. You cannot be doing the same thing over and over again, and expect a different result. It just won't change. You'll keep on getting the results that you ultimately deserve, until you make the right change.

When you stop being wishful, you start to become realistic. You start to take responsibility for your actions. This is what most lower class people don't want to do - they don't want to take responsibility for their actions. At every given point, they want to blame someone else for their misfortune.


But things will never get better by you pointing accusing fingers at another person. You have to take charge of your life. Stop wishing that you'll have a mansion some day, start thinking how do these rich people buy these big houses in the first place? That's the starting point - asking the right questions.

When you start questioning and looking to understand the reason why you are in your present situation, then you'll be able to lift yourself out of it. It's all about thinking practically and realistically. If you want to be successful, you just have to stop - wishing, dreaming and hoping all day long, without having a practical plan to achieving your goals in life.

Thanks for taking time to read!



Wishful thinking never gets anything done. If we want things to get done or to work, then we have the responsibility to work them out.

Excellent read buddy

A few minutes ago I was having a conversation with my wife about this. As long as it's just wishful thinking, we're still in the same place. We have to take action and if it is with a detailed plan, all the better. And above all to have the will and discipline to carry it out.

Thank you for your reflection.