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RE: A new scenario in the Russia-Ukraine war

in Project HOPE2 years ago

a quite good summary of the happenings over there @joseph1956 !

These are possible scenarios that could change the face of the war and take it to a level closer to an open confrontation between NATO, the European Union and the United States against Russia and the possibility of the use of nuclear weapons.

...this part is the only thing what I not really agree with, because there is nothing changing, because the NATO = United States of America (founded by them, and operated by them there is no doubt about that), so actually we are facing from the first day of this "special operation" from Russia a conflict between the Russians and the Americans (or their Substitutes/Proxies = EU & NATO).
And for this in my eyes long planned actions (not from the Russian side) now nearly all of the European citizens are facing huge problems with collapsing prices for food and energy, whilst the Trouble Boys in America sitting on the sofa and watching the games and don´t froget to mention counting their inflooding money from newly selling their oil and gas to the former Russian customers from Europe.
They (the US) are the only ones who profit from that provoked proxy war with selling not only the foresaid goods but also weapons and credits to most of the parties (all the NATO-Allies, and the Ukrainians) I would say they actually made their best deal in the History of this so called Land of the Free ;)

But most people can´t see that, or will not accept that as given because the media is working on the side of the US-NATO-Alliance.


From the outset the conflict is between Ukraine-NATO and the US stoking the fire for profit, but all under the guise of aid and not involvement, but if this were to happen then the cards would be turned upside down and they would have to decide whether to go on or stop. Already Putin has put out an extreme conflict alert and this could lead to a nuclear confrontation.