Could this be our Crypto Pension Plan?

in Project HOPE4 years ago

For those who are in the crypto sphere for the long haul, I discovered this potentially interesting new financial product. It's kind of a bond, but setup more flexibly. Up to 42 years it can pay 'interest'. But any length of time is possible. When one likes to step out, one can step out any time, even after days or hours.

Interest is paid when staking the token. When one wants to get out, the only action required is to unstake and sell the tokens.

The project is named: WISE

The name is kinda funny. I suppose they try to appeal to the rational side of us. When we are 'wise' we embark on a project that gives us long term revenues and therefore financial security and stability.

published by the WISE Foundation (source)

WISE: Tell Me About It

WISE is implemented as a Ethereum Smart Contract and will use Uniswap at which it'll automatically created the liquidity pool. All investments in WISE are automatically added to the liquidity pool, and will be locked up indefinitely (or I think the later is the case, but maybe up until the 42 years only...which is more or less indefinitely anyway :)).

Up to end of year, tokens can be reserved. Every calendar day reservations are turned into WISE tokens. At the last day (31st of December) all the reserved tokens can be claimed at which the run phase of WISE starts.

Unlike many other projects, investing in this project i possible with a wide range of tokens. WISE has an inbuild a liquidity transformer tool so it'll be able to accept other currencies than just Ether. Just connect your Metamask wallet and whatever coin or token you have in there can be used.

I for sure like this simplicity of the project: The creators seem to understand what we like to see in crypto space: Simple to use services!

The WISE team write in their Project Specification document (source):

WISE Token, hereinafter referred to as WISE, is an ERC-20 compliant smart contract designed for deployment on the Ethereum blockchain. WISE is a decentralized, fairly launched, automatically liquid, trustlessly exchangeable, interest-bearing, bond-like token.


The core purpose of the WISE token — staking — is similar to both bonds and CDs (certificates of deposit): rewarding the holder with earned interest in exchange for locking up their funds for a period of time. WISE incorporates some of the features from both of these traditional instruments but improves greatly upon them.

CDs tend to be lower risk, lower return, and only pay out interest on their maturity date.

Bonds tend to be somewhat higher risk, higher return, and pay out interest regularly on a set schedule (typically every six months).

WISE is most similar to a bond, in that it earns relatively high interest, but allows users to withdraw it whenever they want.

WISE is superior to bonds and CDs in every way:
WISE gives the staker complete flexibility in choosing exactly when to withdraw their interest during the life of the stake. You can withdraw interest daily, irregularly, wait until maturity, or whatever you like!

WISE stakes have higher return, much lower risk (due to being decentralized and trustless), and far higher flexibility than both bonds and CDs. No more trusting banks and governments to stay solvent and not change their rules. No more worrying that a bond issuer may default on you.

WISE is pure, immutable code.

WISE: Key Data

  • Smart Contract is Audited by an independent party (report)
  • Over 34k Ether reserved to date (thats over 17M US Dollar to date)
  • WISE token reservation until December 31st
  • Creators will take a maximum of 2k Ether, the rest will flow into the liquidity pool
  • Funds in Liquidity pool will be locked

WISE: Links / Resources

Interested to Embark on this Project?

Check the links above: Read and Digest. When you conclude you like to start reserving WISE, you may like to use below referral link for additional WISE bonuses (reservation phase) and interest (run phase):

For now: Wish you all the Wisdom in the world.


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Sounds nice and promising, cryptocurrency surely offers us some great benefits that we cannot find in the traditional space.

For sure: And those who dont want to hold FIAT and still get some long term financial plan to support a basic income, this service may be one to look into.

WISE stakes have higher return, much lower risk (due to being decentralized and trustless), and far higher flexibility than both bonds and CDs. No more trusting banks and governments to stay solvent and not change their rules. No more worrying that a bond issuer may default on you.

Interesting proposal that could yield great economic benefits. Its operation under the Ethereum blockchain is a good confidence-building signal. From the quote above, I can see that it offers control over assets as well as daily liquidity on interest. Some projects like this are worth partnering up and experimenting with.

Some projects like this are worth partnering up and experimenting with.

Absolutely. This maybe one of them. Went in with a tiny amount and still looking further into it myself. The tiny amount may become a little less tiny :)

Great news, good for you!