Bud-Shots - Rainbow Spectrum Flowers in the Cannabis Garden - Color Phasing Progression Update 2 (with video)

in Project HOPE3 years ago (edited)


This video is a display of the beautiful cannabis flowers in the garden as of 9/26/2020. After almost 4 days the heavy rains have finally ceased, clouds parted, and sun returned to the valley today around 3pm - with a forecast of nothing but sun and favorable summer-like weather for the foreseeable future (at least 10 days).



Directly following the last rain this afternoon, I sprayed everything with organic BT since I found one single budworm on a plant yesterday. I would normally only spray in the early morning or late evening, but since it was still partly cloudy and the plants were already wet, I just sprayed them when I knew for sure there would not be more rain to wash it off (BT has no effect on humans and leaves cannabis plants after 14 days regardless). I will be releasing ladybugs tomorrow evening to eat any remaining unfavorable bugs left in the garden.


If you saw my first Morphing Buds Photography - Pink Pistils - Purple Flowers - Color Phasing Progression post, then you saw the beautiful pink pistils that were forming on the Blue City Diesel - unfortunately the recent high wind and bad air quality has distorted the pink color of the pistils, but that does not take away from the beauty with the development update of the buds themselves (pictured above & below).


This is by far the most purple garden I have ever had the pleasure of cultivating, and I could not be happier with the moist-weather resistance of the phenotypes I selected (especially the Purple Hindu Kush who's bud density is preferable for keeping a lot of water out of it - pictured below).



IF YOU HAVE NOT YET SEEN MY RECENT EPISODE OF BACKYARD CANNABIS FARMING (episode 6) - click here for the most in-depth episode I have ever published. The episode includes footage from the historic Oregon wind-storms and apocalyptic atmosphere creating the smokiest conditions and worst air quality I have every seen. I worked on that post for a couple weeks and would really appreciate the attention there (it seems like not many have seen the post/video).


Please enjoy this video and these photos of the garden walk-through in the beginning of the final stage of flower. I will post a few more of these in the coming weeks before harvest.










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Click pic or link below to play video

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Enchanted blessings - with love, truth, respect, & honor - @ELAmental.


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Stay tuned - into the right frequencies


Click here to hear my single: Shift the Focus on Soundcloud from my upcoming album: Power of Truth

(Link to new album title claim)

Click here to hear my un-mastered sample of No Consent

My debut conscious Hip-Hop album The Hex Wrecker is completely free for download on Bandcamp & Soundcloud (click the links to go to my music on those platforms), or CLICK HERE for download instructions.


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