Listen to elders who have experiences to share

in Project HOPElast month
Greetings to all colleagues in the Steem community, today I share this story illustrated in the words that the elderly or older people always share with us to try to help us in our daily lives.



Somewhere remote, in a small village, lived a wise old man who was known for his profound wisdom and philosophy of life. Villagers often came to him for advice and teachings.

One day, a young man came to the village in search of wisdom and approached the old man to ask him to teach him the path of wisdom. The old man smiled and said, "True wisdom is not found in books or words, but in the experience of life itself."

The young man was surprised by the old man's response, but decided to follow his advice and learn from his experiences. For months, the young man worked alongside the old man, learning to observe and reflect on everyday life. Little by little, he began to understand the importance of living in harmony with the environment and enjoying every present moment.

After a while, the young man said goodbye to the old man and continued his journey in search of more knowledge and experience. Before leaving, the old man gave him some advice: "Remember, true wisdom is not found in the constant search for answers, but in the acceptance of life's uncertainties and the ability to adapt to changes."

The young man continued his journey around the world, learning from each experience and growing more and more every day. And as he advanced on his path, he remembered the teachings of the wise old man.