The relationship between humans and artificial intelligence

in Project HOPE2 years ago

🤔 Possible effects on the labor market through the relationship between 👥 humans and 🤖 Artificial Intelligence

My dear, beloved and highly respected 💙 Steemit community❗

First of all, I feel a little bit I have to excuse for posting an interesting topic so long ago. My excuse is that my son is going to high school soon, and I really had to pay close attention to the process of choosing the properly school. Which, by the way, is still going on, but let's be honest,

✅ I'm having Steemit withdrawal symptoms 😉

Source : Since the picture is my own creation, you won't find it anywhere else in the world! A small part of my image shows the ChatGPT logo which can of course be used for any presentation.


ℹ️ For the sake of clarity, I respectfully inform my
Dear Reader
about the relevant topics :

  • Appearance of ChatGPT
  • Wondering what ChatGPT can do❓
  • Let's take a look at the possibilities of OpenAi technology
  • How safe do you think using ChatGPT will be❓
  • What impact can the introduction of ChatGPT have on market competition❓
  • What is the basic difference between ChatGPT and BERT❓
  • How big a competitive advantage do you think OpenAI has gained with the new model❓
  • Can this ChatGPT be dangerous for us❓
  • The impact of ChatGPT on the labor market
  • Which professions may be sensitively affected by the appearance of ChatGPT❓

  • wave-ornament.jpg

    Appearance of ChatGPT

    Among the Artificial Intelligences (AI), the chatbot called
    caused a great stir when it entered the market. Its appearance caused so much confusion in the force that Google was forced to turn on its hazard lights and issue a red alert. I'm thinking here of the crisis group in which Google Inc. even called founding members like Larry Page back to brainstorm.

    🦝 Wondering what ChatGPT can do❓

    This Artificial Intelligence is a text-based knowledge base and language model developed by 🔗 OpenAI. ChatGPT provides detailed answers to the questions asked by interpreting the context and semantics in accordance with the instructions, and we can not only receive dry template texts.

    Semantics for your best understanding:
    Semantics is one of the exciting research branches of modern textual linguistics. It analyzes the context, linguistic features, its everyday use, observes the intention. It examines the text as a whole, so it is able to give selective answers to precise questions.

    🔍 Let's take a look at the possibilities of OpenAi technology

    OpenAI was created in
    by Elon Musk, Wojciech Zaremba, Ilya Sutskever and Greg Brockman.

    The goal of the non-profit research institute and technology company is the development and application of artificial intelligence for the benefit of society. OpenAI researchers simultaneously develop several open source projects in the field of artificial intelligence, including language models, game AI, and machine learning. Microsoft recognized the potential resources inherent in the program relatively quickly, so it debuted as a supporter of the company and transferred the technology to its own products.

    So, Mr. Bill Gates has once again legally plagiarized with the help of money. 😉I just kidding, Open Source.

    🔏 How safe do you think using ChatGPT will be❓

    With ChatGPT, data security is a very important factor. OpenAI is constantly working on improving this, which becomes even more prominent in the case of business goals. Although it takes care of data protection, the company also warns users about the risks.

    💭 What impact can the introduction of ChatGPT have on market competition❓

    As the world's leading search engine, Google also has its own language model. BERT, i.e. Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers, was the first system that the company introduced in the field of language understanding.
    The entry of ChatGPT into the market

    ✅ will obviously increase the competition between the two companies. Thanks to this, it will definitely be worth paying attention to Google's updates and innovations, as it is also important for it to serve changing needs.

    🪧 What is the basic difference between ChatGPT and BERT❓

    In the big competition, it does not hurt to keep in mind that the two models respond to different expectations and needs. The biggest difference between
    and Google's own language model is that one represents the so-called „generative” model, while the other represents the „understanding” model.

  • ChatGPT can generate natural language text,
  • while BERT focuses on language understanding.
  • ChatGPT can be great for generating text and developing chatbots,
  • while BERT focuses on improving search results and improving language understanding.

  • Since both models serve different purposes, the competitive situation will actually move the balance of power in their functional and environmental solutions.

    Source : I created this table with Open Office Calc and I got a screenshot about it

    💡 How big a competitive advantage do you think OpenAI has gained with the new model❓

    Although the company does not have its own platform, it has provided access to the model through an open source API.
    In addition to the appearance of ChatGPT, with this step it has built a wide user base, as developers and business users can access it and use it in their own applications.


    also has many business partners behind it, including some big tech companies (Microsoft, NVIDIA, Amazon, etc.), with the help of which the larger market becomes accessible to it. Its well-known brand name therefore apparently provides a strong guarantee in business life.


    Another advantage of OpenAI is that it focuses on the ethical and security issues associated with GPT-based models. Together with researchers and business partners, it tries to optimally cover these needs.

    Further advantage is that the company is able to respond immediately to market demands and can introduce new products and services on the market faster than larger companies.

    😕 Can this ChatGPT be dangerous for us❓

    Despite all its advantages, OpenAI's model is capable of generating fake news and inaccurate information that can be misleading and have serious consequences. The model uses what it learned during its development and use to create the generated texts, and if the data it learns contains false or misleading information, the model will generate incorrect answers. The responsibility for this is not small, so users must manage these risk factors in their place.

    📣 The danger of ChatGPT to society is therefore not negligible if the application is misused.

    🧑‍💼 The impact of ChatGPT on the labor market

    Since the application of AI can automate processes that were previously performed by humans, it can significantly transform the labor market. When we will feel the impact of this is questionable, but perhaps sooner than we think. Think about where the IT world was 20 years ago and where we have come in such a short time. And this pace will only get faster.

    Some professions may disappear or transform and new ones may be born❗

    Although layoffs may have to be expected in some areas, at the same time, new types of competency requirements offer new perspectives to the lost workforce. The use of Ai applications will require new skills, for which human resources, human qualities – creativity, self-expression, emotions, opinions, personal experiences – are indispensable factors.

    😵‍💫 Which professions may be sensitively affected by the appearance of ChatGPT❓

    ChatGPT can have an impact on professions and jobs where the generation, analysis and processing of textual content play a significant role. They can be, among others, a

  • chatbot developers,
  • content developers,
  • SEO experts
  • text translators
  • as well as many representatives of segments of the media

  • The more knowledge material the model will be able to absorb and transfer, the more professional areas it can sensitively reach. But since the truth is often far from the stored information, the risk factor is very high. As long as the specialists are optimally able to assess the credibility of the sources, the information package of ChatGPT itself is a bit like a surprise packet. It leads blindly and does not give the user adequate control.

    All in all, it will definitely be worth watching the processes of the two companies and preparing for the demand for competence within the professions that these developments will bring. Learning and quick reaction in these areas is essential. The knowledge acquired over many years can quickly become obsolete with changes at such a pace, and can put a specialist or a company with inherently good professional skills at a disadvantage.

    😌 Why do I feel that, especially from the point of view of search engine marketing, it is becoming easier for me in the last couple of years with the rapid development of Artificial Intelligence❓😊

    Well, basically SEO i.e. search engine optimization and SEM i.e. search engine marketing processes are separated from each other.

    is the essence of content development. This is one area where AI can make things a bit more difficult.
      💡 However, if you write the content for your own business and goals, it can even help at this point. 😉 By definition, the losers will only be the salary clerks whom the companies have commissioned so far, mainly as external workers. Actually, I think they were slaves before.

    As a sort of farewell, I would like to say here that I definitely noticed that the various AI modules that help search engines

    ✅ make the process of search engine marketing incredibly simple❗

    Why is that❓

    Quite simply, because if the search engine approaches the content you develop with thinking, it can understand your goals much better and thus bring you more quality and visitors.

    If we look at the evolution of search algorithms so far, we can see that quality content as a concept has come to the forefront compared to the number of links to your content, even though this was the determining factor of search algorithms 10 years ago.

    Anyway, I find it very strange that the media does not talk so much about the efforts of Presearch, even though this search engine will not be without an Artificial Intelligence solution.

    Compared to the Bing search engine, the only difference is that Presearch will be its own, unique, of course open source development.

    ℹ️ I presented these plans on my Hungarian-language blog under the title „Presearch gpt-3 AI”Source.


    👋 See you later guys, take care yourself!