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RE: Win 5 SBD By Writing A Funny Comment On What You'll Do If The World Ends In An Hour (REPOST)

in Project HOPE5 years ago

Lols... I have really not thought about this though but if the world is to end in an hour time, I'll do the below things since I won't have any other opportunity or chance to do that again 😂.

#1) EATING EXPENSIVE DELICIOUS FOOD FOR FREE AT RESTAURANTS: I know this may sound funny but the fact is that there are actually some food i can't afford at some restaurants for now due to my income even though I love eating a lot. Since the world is ending in an hour, I'm definitely gonna walk into those restaurants with style and confidence to eat their whole delicious meal most especially those roasted and fried turkey and chicken without paying a dime 😊. It's a free world, you know 😊. If they threaten me, I'm gonna tell them to come for their money in the next one hour (after life 😂) which can't be possible 😂😂.

#2 REVENGE: There are actually some people I'll love to beat up for their bad action towards me. I'm not gonna let them go scot free without beating them to pulp, most especially some of my teachers and friends in high school who disciplined and abused me back then. Help me tell them to start getting their asses ready for some sweet lashes of cane, it's pay back time!! 😂

#3 HAVE FUN: Since there won't be another opportunity to have fun unlike before, I'm gonna have lot of fun, visiting different places, meeting with diff people and flirting with different ladies 😊. It's gonna be really great. Party after party 😂😂

#4 CONVERT ALL MY CRYPTOS INTO CASH: The period of holding/keeping or investing in cryptos will definitely come to an end for me because I'm gonna convert or trade all my assets for cash. I'm gonna use some of the cash to organize a last meeting party for @project.hope community members and I'm gonna have the opportunity to hug @crypto.piotr physically and I hope he does the same too 😊.

#5 PREPARE FOR THE NEXT LIFE: The last thing is to be prepared and get ready for the next life. I'm gonna seek God's forgiveness and I'm also gonna seek the forgiveness of those that I've wronged most especially those who fell into category ** number 2**. I'm just gonna tell them I'm sorry for smacking your asses so much ☹️.


Great! But I think you forgot to upvote this post as the rules require, my friend. 🙂

I already upvoted it

Okay, thanks!