Sowing Operation : Different Sowing MethodssteemCreated with Sketch.

in Project HOPE4 years ago


Hello Everyone!!! I hope you are having a great time over there? It's really nice to see you visit my blog today and I must say I'm really happy to have a great personality like you visiting my blog today 😊. Thank you once again 💕😊.

Today I'll be sharing some important information about Sowing operations and the machines required in Sowing operations. I definitely hope you will really find this content educative and interesting. I think it's time we let the cat out of the bag 😊.

Sowing Operation

Sowing is simply the process of placing seeds inside the soil for proper germination. This simply implies that anytime you plant seeds inside the soil, you're actually undergoing the process of sowing. There are different methods of sowing or planting seeds in the soil. These process are listed below;


    This method involves scattering the seeds uniformly on the soil. This can be done either by manual process or mechanical process.

The manual process involves the use of human effort to sprinkle the seeds into the soil in a uniform manner whole the manual process involves the use of seed broadcasters which helps to spray or scatter the seed into the soil.

    Dibbling is a very popular form of sowing operation in the rural areas and it's mostly used in planting some special type of crops for proper germination. It involves creating a seed bed or hole in the soil surface in which the seeds are placed and covered.

I'm quite sure almost everyone is actually familiar with this method of sowing. There's also this instrument known as Dibbler which can also be used to perform Dibbling operation when sowing seeds in the soil.

    Transplanting operation is also a sowing process we are all very familiar with. I'm quite sure you've seen cases whereby some set of flowers are been planted in a polythene bag/nylon. I'm sure you might have seen such scenario. The process of placing such existing plants (pre-plant) into the soil for proper germination is actually known as transplanting operation.

This method is mostly used in planting flowers. Some of the beautiful flowers you see around you were actually planted by Transplanting operation. This is also one of the reasons some people engage in trading pre-planted flowers since the demand for flowers is increasing yearly.

    This is also a very common method you are also familiar with. As the name implies "drilling" it involves creating a continuous line of furrow either manually or mechanical in which the seeds are dropped into the set of furrow line of uniform depth and the soil is then covered back after the seeds are placed into the soil.

Drilling method of sowing can be accomplished via mechanical method such as making use of a seed drill which can either be powered by a tractor or bullock(s).

    This type of sowing method involves planting crops row - to - row or plant - to - plant with a uniform distance or spacing. This can be well implemented with the use of a check row planter.

    Hill dropping method of sowing is also very similar to check that of a check row planter but the only difference is that hill dropping contains constant distance spacing between plant to plant but the distance may not be constant with the use of drills.

    This type of method involves the use of agricultural machines such as Plough powered by a tractor or bullock or a Maiobansa in such a way that after ploughing operation is done or completed, the seeds are then employed into the soil and covered.

It's really great you were able to learn various methods or processes of sowing operations which were discussed above. I'll love to end this post with another important machine used for Sowing operation and this is known as a Seed Drill

What is a Seed Drill?


A seed drill is a machine used for inputting or placing seeds into the soil in a continuous furrow at a uniform depth. There are different operations carried out by the Seed Drill when it comes to planting operations. Some of these functions are listed below;

  • Carrying/conveying the seeds
  • Compacting the soil
  • Metering the seeds for planting
  • Creating furrow at uniform depth
  • Covering the seeds with the soil
  • Placing the seeds into the soil

I think I'll have to put an end to this post at this junction and I hope to share more educating contents with you on this platform.

Thanks for your time and I hope you have a great day ahead with love from @hardaeborla




hello @hardaeborla ,
I think farmers do a great job planting food for people living in cities, it is a real sadness that in most countries farmers do not have the recognition they deserve on the other hand I read in an article that the production capacity of a nation is related to the ability of its farmers to acquire agricultural machinery, the more machinery farmers have, the more productive is that nation.

Such an extensive agricultural lecture on what sowing is about, we cannot take away the importance of agriculture because it is through this means that a man is able to survive.

Agriculture is really a means to survive just as you've stated since we can't do without eating and drinking in our daily lives.

Thanks for sharing this great post with love from @hardaeborla and I hope you have a great day ahead ❤️💕♥️

Hello @hardaeborla in advance congratulate you for your contribution, although I am not an expert in this area your explanation allows me to have a broader view of the planting process, because in my land they assume planting as an "art" to which there are few who execute it with dedication and commitment. Thank you for your contribution

Wow! It's really great to see a great personality like you exploring the same field just like me. It's really great that people see Agricultural operation as an art over there too.

Thanks for your lovely comment with love from @hardaeborla and I hope you have a great day ahead ❤️💕♥️

Hello friend, I did not know that there were all these types of planting, this is a very important activity and work for a country, although people do not value it. Thanks to these people we can have food in our homes, they should be better remunerated. Greetings!

I'm really glad you found this helpful.. Thanks for your lovely comment with love from @hardaeborla and I hope you have a great day ahead ❤️♥️♥️

Thanks for sharing agriculture is a bedrock for any country development, hope you enjoy going to the farm 😁?

Lol... It's really cool working on the farm though 😂