The Frankensteins of science

in Project HOPE3 years ago (edited)

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"When the wolf is clothed in science and is devoid of humanity, he is more diabolical than evil itself."
By @hojaraskita


"How you fell from Heaven, O Lucifer!
Son of the morning!
You were cut down to the ground!
Thou who didst dominate the people!
You who in your heart said, I will be higher than Heaven!
I shall be exalted higher than the stars of God!
I shall indeed be the supreme leader!
In the privileged place!
I shall be equal to the highest God!
But you will be cast into Hell,
to the bottom of the grave.
And all who see you will despise you.
Isaiah 14:12"

After the years of medieval "obscurantism" kept us away from scientific reasoning for more than 500 years preventing us from "advancing" in the matter of all that is science, representing a lost time for humanity focusing only on the divine aspect but with fear and severe punishment. However, science made its way and over the years that craving for knowledge that is considered in its beginnings as the "years of light", of the awakening of knowledge has become competitive, abusive, inhuman, in a craving to find solutions, find answers, discover new sources of knowledge but at very high costs. Recently it has taken giant steps, but at what cost? What makes science darker than the same obscurantism where in the name of God was acted and now it is done in the name of science, it is because, there is no fear of God, because usually a scientist does not believe in an omnipotent being creator and giver of life. Certainly, in the name of science such abhorrent and abominable acts have been committed that have nothing to envy to fiction, where a mad scientist, a Doctor Frankenstein has crossed the line of the "human" to enter the realm of the aberrant.

Backing up this brief analysis I want to mention some facts WRITTEN IN A VERY SUMMARY FORM, so I invite you to "click" on the link at the end of this post in case you want more details, because what I write below is just an example that in the name of science and sponsoring that "scientism" experiments were conducted supposedly to obtain a "greater good" at the hands of "people" that we could define as the Frankensteins of science. Prepare your stomachs and adjust your hearts:

Johann Conrad Dippel (17th century): He was said to experiment on corpses in the belief of transferring a soul from one body to another. He experimented on dead animals and claimed to have discovered an elixir that would keep him alive.

Illa Ivanov Ivanov, (mid-19th century): His studies were based on inseminations, creations of animal hybrids. He sought to inseminate human females with monkey sperm. It is necessary to remember that at this time nothing was known about genetics, so the creation of new species was important.

Vladimir Demijov: Born at the beginning of the 20th century, he was a pioneer in organ transplants. He performed transplants of puppy heads including shoulders and front legs to the bodies of adult German shepherds.

Sergei Brukhonenko: Russian-Soviet scientist of the "Stalinist" era. In 1940 he performed and recorded animal experiments consisting of decapitating dogs and putting the heads on life support.

Josef Mengele./ Germany. 20th Century: In the Ausbichwitz concentration camp he saw the opportunity to advance his studies on genetic inheritance by experimenting with prisoners (victims) with whom NO CONSIDERATION WAS TAKEN. He injected the bodies of some children with chemicals to try to change the color of their eyes to blue, cooked Siamese twins in the back to see their progress, blood transfusions between twins. He went so far as to change the sex of twins, and forced siblings to have sex to study the quality of the result. He was considered "THE DEVIL IN THE MIDST OF HIS HELL".
• José Delgado. Spanish professor of the last century: His experiment was based on the mental control with animals and people by means of direct stimuli to the brain. He was part of the PANDORA project.

Giovanni Aldani. Polish physicist of the end of the XVIII century. His scientific project was linked to galvanism. He set up a scientific show where he used the body of a prisoner who had been sentenced to death to apply electro-stimulations to the corpse. Observers described that opened, his right hand was raised and clenched into a fist, legs and muscles were set in motion.

Jhon B. Watson: Experiment in 1920 with a 9 months old baby, for a study of fear by subjecting the baby to various stimuli based on classical conditioning by means of stimuli or learning by association. The baby was exposed to various stimuli with animals at first but then these stimuli were accompanied with loud noises that later the child's psyche associated with animals developing a fear towards them.

Reading all of the above we can conclude that science in the wrong hands is a TERRIBLE weapon, but how to determine those hands? And even more, to stop them since it has found the way to "descend to the hells" of human madness since it feels it is a creative entity but for it it is necessary to destroy in order to build, contrary to a true God, who creates from nothing.

She believes she is the owner of lives, which in her opinion are mere sacrifices that must be made to achieve an end, no matter if this sacrifice involves one, a few or hundreds of people.
Science is beyond good and evil because it can create its own hell just for a piece of paradise that may be the simple recognition of a job done.

In this sense, the egocentrism of science makes it feel that it is the only way out, the only possibility of knowledge, therefore the only way to the truth and the only source of hope. It is there that "scientism" is born, a colossus that denies freedoms, blinds other types of reasoning, denies the human condition, the existence of living beings and of nature itself.

I leave for reflection the following questions in addition to those raised in the text:

  1. What is the scientific value of these experiments?
  2. What was the purpose of these experiments?
  3. would the famous goat-sucker be an abomination of these?



Tahnk you dear friends for getting here. If you liked the content, support me with your vote and give your opinion on the topic that I have shown. Remember to answer the questions. Until next time.
By @hojaraskita


It is terrible that the human being by pure EGO is carried away by the desire to appear, to want to demonstrate achievements that highlight his intelligence, even at the cost of his own humanity. Who are the monsters?