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RE: Organized Thinking And Business Success

in Project HOPE4 years ago

It's easier to organize your thinking about something that you're obsessed about.

If what you want to really achieve is something you're naturally obsessed about, then your job is half done. All that's needed now, is some self discipline to organize your thoughts. We have the choice to think of what we want. You must utilize that choice, keeping away unnecessary thoughts out of your mind.

A nice exercise to help you gain better control of your mind is trancendental meditation (where you repeat in your mind a word that means nothing for a period of time, I'll say 20 minutes is good). You do this morning and night every single day. It should become a habit. When you try it out, you'll notice how difficult it is to keep repeating that one word (mantra).

Your mind will want to think of something else. You have to with enough self discipline bring your mind back to repeating the mantra (eg. AUM) pronounced 'om'. The idea is to teach your mind to be able to focus on one thought. You'll see the connection in everything else in your life, your business and personal life will improve greatly. Thanks for coming around!