Moving Ahead Of The Crowd

in Project HOPE8 months ago

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The only way you can be a true leader in any walk of life, is when you're always ahead of the crowd. Sadly, all that most people want is to fit in, but true leaders know that if you fit in, you're mostly among the 95% of the population - who are mostly mediocre thinkers.

Innovative thinkers always want to be different, and think differently. But the problem with being different is that people will criticize you a lot more, because most of your actions will be too courageous for their understanding, since all they want is to fit in.

By being ahead of the crowd, you'll be first to get important information, and think outside the box; from what others think. The only reason why a leader is considered innovative, is because his thoughts - are way different and more advanced than those of the average man.

As a result, you shouldn't always be looking for a situation where people are not criticizing you. Because if you're doing things that are innovative and unconventional, then surely you're supposed to be getting lots of criticisms from the crowd.

While being ahead of others come with many challenges, it offers the opportunity to becoming very successful. This is because when you succeed in doing that innovative thing you have in mind, people will come around; and applaud the courage with which you stayed focused on your goal.


Trying to fit into a particular space will not make you any different at any point in your life, but all you need to do is learn how to stand out and make decisions that distinguish you from the rest.

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