TON integration with Telegram has made it easier for users to use cryptocurrencies

in Project HOPE23 days ago

One piece of information I read today extremely caught my attention this because, "The path of tech giants embracing blockchain is littered with failures. Just look at Meta, which abandoned its plans to launch the stablecoin Diem after three chaotic years and immense negative feedback."

Certainly, "But there are bright spots, and projects that show much more potential. The Open Network (TON), formerly known as Telegram Open Network, was created to power one of the world's most popular messaging apps"

On the other hand, "After years of poor interfaces and limited use cases, TON is achieving what the industry has long desired: allowing users to interact with blockchains and cryptocurrencies without even realizing it"

It has been stated that, "TON integration helps ensure that every payment is transparent and unalterable. Since its inception, Telegram has been a hub for cryptocurrency enthusiasts, but the app has now transcended into mainstream awareness - an even more impressive achievement considering it barely does any marketing"

In closing, "An increasing number of mini apps within Telegram will create a positive feedback loop: it will attract more users and inspire more businesses to seek their piece of the pie."


Cointelegraph. TON is paving a path to the future for crypto. Link


The cover image does not belong to the author: @lupafilotaxia, the image was taken from: Cointelegraph